Friday, March 28, 2014

Pega real time Scenario  

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Q) What Happen when Flow reach AssignMent on DB side?

If there are 2 rulesets, ruleset r1 is prerequisite of r2. How can we call an activity present in r2 from activity present in r1.

We cannot call an activity present in a child ruleset from an activity present in its prerequisite ruleset. Here Child activity can call a parent ruleset activity. This is the reusability.

We can query database tables using Rdb-list, Rdb-browse, Rdb-open, Obj-Open, Obj-Browse, Obj-list.
Well are these built-in Pega activities successful in executing stored procedures?
Yes ofcourse we can execute stored procedures from Pega.

Use Obj-List like this.

In the browse tab you have to code as below if the stored procedure name is “func1″ with one parameter “Param1″
then the line goes like this, you can add up to as many parameters you want. For example a param to get the result of stored procedure execution.

CALL func1('{ASIS:Request.param1}')

1. How do you connect to a soap service which is secure (https).
2. What is a stateful and stateless Soap service in Prpc.
3. If there are 2 rulesets, ruleset r1 is prerequisite of r2. How can we call an activity present in r2 from
activity present in r1.
4. What is the best use of Declare pages.
5. Is the out parameter mandatory? Should we specify the out parameter to receive any output value of an activity

1. How to make any rule as a favorite to your manager
2. Where can i see the paramater values in the clipboard ( values ..) i am passing one activity to other .
3. How to import rules using pzinskey
4. Difference between activity and utility
5. Difference between obj-open and obj-open-by-handled
6. Inheritance concept in the pega (rules, class)
7. Performance of our work in the pega is measured using?
8. How to connect to different pega applications?
9. How to store the instance of the class in a specific database
10. Difference between obj-list, rdb-list?
11. How to see values of the local variables of the activity.
12. how can i store the instance of the class in the data base
13. default data table where the instance of the class are store (how it will search ) pc_work
14. In Routing activity what is the default property used to route the object
15. In routing activity if i use workbasket name instead of work list name .. when can i know it is wrong (run time, complile time)
16. Notify
17. ticket: explain any senarion u used
18. table used for add note
19. Default activity used to create work object
20. Different type of flows. Explain in scenario based where u used and worked
21. Covers and folders (question will be like scenario base. like I have one object A in it 10 test case objects .. if 10 test case are passed ..A should close how can I achieve this functionality.
22. work object ID.. how to create.. activites ued to create, or methods Work ID:
23. how to send multiple correspondences at a time
24. How to call an Activity from Java Script?
25. how to end the workobject in the activity ( method used to kill the work object)
26. how to call an activity from the java, java script
27. How to pass parameters to the activity using the java, JavaScript?
28. How can I pass page as the parameter to the activity using java, JavaScript?
29. How to call an Activity from Java step?
30. How to get a property value from clipboard using Java step?
31. How to restrict the harness, section to particular user
32. List different functions used to call an activity from java script.
33. How a user’s ruleset list is formed ( the logic )?
34. How to connect external java application without using connect-java
35. Spinoff // split join explain
36. Privileges usage…
37. Decision / fork usage… Scenarios Decision:
38. How to expose the column in the blob… of the database
     How do you expose a property?

2)    What is the need of exposing a property?

3)      About obj-open,obj-save?

4)      Difference obj-list, Obj-browse?

5)      rdb-open, rdb-save?

6)      What is a screen flow?

7)      Difference between screen flow and process flow?

8)      What is Split-ForEach?

9)      Difference between page and page list?

10)   what is the work object?Where it is Stored?Can We Change The Table?

11)   What is a class group?

1)    What is the Flow Action? Explain about the FlowAction?
2)    What is the Activity?
3)    Explain Obj-open, Obj-Save?
4)    What is the Model?
5)    What is the Harness? Section?
6)    What is Split-Join?
7)    Types of inheritance?
8)    What is the use of property-set Method?
9)    Diff b/w Decision Table and Decision tree?
10)Declare expression and Declare constraints?

    What are the fields in the properties panel of an assignment shape?
    Where can we call the activities in a flow action?
    What is Class structure of your Project? Explain about the project Flow?
    What is the Rule availability?
    What is the Final availability and how can change availability of Rule?
    Can you Override Final rule?
    What is the rule resolution Algorithm and can you tell me how it works or search?
    How it works in the while in Inheritance rule?
    Can you tell me the direct inheritance and Pattern inheritance?
    What is the Work object?
    Where is the work object stored?
    Can you change the Work object table?
    What are the standard properties?


    What is a class group?
    Differentiate Obj-Open and Rdb-Open methods
    Differentiate Obj-Browse and Obj-List-View
    Differentiate Obj-List-View and Obj-Summary-View
    Which activity do we use in Obj-List-View to customize the search results
    What is the use of pyDefault model?
    Differentiate Decision table, Decision tree, Map value and Map value pair
    Difference between forke and decision shape_

HTML streams are subject to rule resolution. Is this statement true or false?
2. PegaRULES Process Commander standard harness activities and starting HTML streams are meant to work as-is, with links to built-in processing capabilities. For this reason, it is best not to overlay either the harness activity or the starting HTML stream. Is this statement true or false?
3. A ___________ is a container for your application business logic, which is defined in rules.
4. An Assignment is a task in a flow that requires user input and may assign the work object to an individual work list or workbasket. Is this statement true or false?
5. Rule resolution dynamically selects the right rule by searching your profile Rule set list across multiple dimensions, including purpose, class, rule set and version, date and time range, circumstance and security. ( True /False)
6. For System architect after estimating the ROI and success factors what is the Step to do next(check this)
7. In describing a Router, which of the following statement is false?
8. Can we give audit not in utility
9. Ticket shape represents ______ .
10. Related declarative rules can span Rule sets, but they must reside in the same class in order to be invoked appropriately by PegaRULES Process Commander. Is this statement true or false?
11. Which directive would you use to retrieve a property value from an instance not present on the clipboard?
12. __________ control the user experience – the forms and their appearance, content and behavior.
13. The property for the purpose of handle i.e., pzInsKey (which serves the purpose of primary key) is defined in following class
14. Users of the PegaRULES Process Commander system are defined by
15. Parameter Page can be referenced by which of the following keyword.
16. Utility activities cannot use which of the following methods.
17. Which rules automate the process of monitoring work completion and notifying the appropriate person when additional scrutiny or action is warranted.
18. In the ReportWizard, what does Data Source field contains for a Rule-Obj-SummaryView.
19. Class Explorer is a tool that is available to system architects and system administrators only. Is this statement true or false
20. Which of the flow shapes are appropriate for defining the path of execution according to complex “if…then” logic?
21. When we use Page-Rename method what happens, if the new name that we specify already exists in the clipboard
22. We know that if there are multiple instances with same visible key, rule resolution algorithm determines which one to return. If I want to explicitly specify the version I want (i.e. keeping the rule resolution algorithm aside), which of the following method need to be used?
23. For most of the concrete classes, PRPC comes with a standard model called
24. Declarative rules such as Rule-Declare-Expressions and Rule-Declare-Constraints can be specialized using circumstances.
25. Use a ___________ rule to convert one or two input values (text, numbers or dates) into a single resulting value, where the decision criteria fits a table or matrix structure
26. What is the difference between activity methods Call and Branch?
27. There is property which stores the value of create date and time or create operator (perhaps for a work object). What is the prefix for these kind of properties
28. Rules like Notify,Utility,Route belongs
29. We use Rule-HTML-Property
30. Which of the following type of standard properties cannot be tailored when you are customizing application in your own rule set. In other words, which of the following type of properties can not be saved as to our class/ruleset
31. For creating tabbed look,which rule is considered
32. Which tool is used by the user to check for the Parameter values in the flow?
33. Which of the following tools would you use to view the HTML associated with the fragment?
34. According to SmartBuild, what is the appropriate order to design/develop the following elements?
35. How many declarative standard rules are there in PRPC?
36. In a Declare-Expression rule, If I want to use an expression, which contains expressions, function calls, constants etC. Which of the following to be used.
37. While using a Page-Copy method, what happens if system does not find the destination page (copy into page) in the clipboard
38. What happens when we call Page-Remove followed by Commit method?
39. Given the Rule-Obj-WorkParties definition above, which of the following roles would show up by default when a user creates a new work object?
40. Which of the following rules should not be maintained by business users/process architects?
41. Correspondence fragments are __________?
42. A Process Flow has been designed that routes an assignment to a workgroup manager. An additional requirement is that the manager be able to attach a budget spreadsheet to the assignment before approving the assignment. This is best accomplished using a:
43. Where .PropertyName is the name of a property, which of the following is the correct syntax for a property reference directive that would allow the user to assign the property value?
44. __________ control the user experience – the forms and their appearance, content and behavior.
45. The portal layout for group of users can be generally controlled from which of the following
46. Which of the following directives ‘comments out’ authoring notes in a PegaRULES Process Commander HTML object?
47. Which of the following statement best describes Directed Web Access?
48. Which of the following violates a SmartBuild best practice regarding flow design?
49. List some of the standard connectors that come with PRPC , which enable it to connect to external systems?
50. User created using application accelerator will have default password as
51. Which of the following best describes Declarative constraints?
52. When we store an instance of process commander in database as a record, the following suffices the purpose of primary key.
53. The purpose of table edit when we define a property is
54. The class of a work object cover must be in the same __________ as any associated work object classes. (Pick the correct answer)
55. When an individual rule has an Availability setting of No/Draft (rather than Yes), the rule is no longer usable in many situations. Which statement does NOT apply to rules with this Availability setting?
56. Which of the flow shapes can be used for a path execution in a situations like “if…then” logic?
57. Which of the following rule best describes the following needsThrough cascading (where one rule calls another), this rule can provide an output based on three, four or more inputs.
58. A _________ is a container for your application business logic, which is defined in rules.
59. Which rules automate the process of monitoring work completion and notifying the appropriate person when additional scrutiny or action is warranted
60. PegaRULES Process Commander supports the assignment of work to four types of destination. What are they?
61. Where .PropertyName is the name of a property, which of the following is the correct syntax for a property reference directive that would allow the user to assign the property value?
62. For most of the concrete classes, PRPC comes with a standard model called
68. Which of the following are usually designed to correspond to one database table in Process Commander.
69. All the standard properties in process commander begin with______ .
70. What is the consequence of checking in the “Special” check box while creating a property?
71. All the routing activities return its result in an output parameter called _______ .
72. Which of the following property / properties are not aggregate properties?
73. Which of the following are used to specify default values for properties associated with a class ____ . .
74. Each record in (row) in relational database corresponds to one of the following in Process Commander. In other words, one row in table is created whenever following of process commander is created.
75. When we store an instance of process commander in database as a record, the following suffices the purpose of primary key.
76. There is property which stores the value of create date and time or create operator (perhaps for a work object). What is the prefix for these kind of properties
77. Which of the following is not the place where u can add rule sets as an access control mechanism
78. Which of the following type of standard properties cannot be tailored when you are customizing application in your own rule set. In other words, which of the following type of properties can not be saved as to our class/ruleset
79. ——-Check box in Obj-Save method and ——-Check box in Obj-Delete method facilitate immediate write into database, without actually waiting for Commit method
80. Goal and Deadline escalation is managed by…

81. Local Flow Actions are added to which task form?
82. Flows and Assignments work together to ________?
83. What is a clipboard page in Pega RULES Process Commander?
84. What is the name of standard PegaRULES Process Commander models?

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The System Management application (SMA) is a Web application that developers can use to monitor and control caches, agents, listeners, and other processing in your Process Commander system. The URL name is prsysmgmt.

Using the System Management application, you can:

    Review the memory used by the Java Virtual Machine on the server.
    Review the most recent ServletRequest and HTTPRequest details.
    Display the prconfig.xml file.
    Access any requestor and view the clipboard, start the Tracer, examine performance statistics, and terminate requestor processing.
    View executing threads and their characteristics.
    View, stop, cycle, or restart agents and listeners.
    View open JDBC database connections.
    View rule cache statistics, and empty the cache.
    Force extraction and recompilation of the functions in a library.
    Extract and compile one activity rule or model rule.
    Start or stop remote logging.
    Observe the utilization of requestor pools supporting stateless services.
    Review the status of the Java class loader.

Tools > System Management Application


Declare Expression: is an instance of Rule-Declare-Expressions/ is a declarative processing which defines auto computation of property values based on expression. This implements Backward Chaining.

What is Backward Chanining:

Backward chaining: is a technique which allows a computation in advance even the input value or parameter is not present. BC uses Rule-Declare-Expression and Property-Seek-Value method together finds the missing property value by using inter dependency network such computations are called as Goal Seeking.

Two standard flowactions called VerifyProperty and VerifyPropertyWithListing are examples of Backward Chaining.

Declare OnChange: Rule-Declare-OnChange/ is a declarative processing which automatically run an activity when a value of the specified property changes. These implements Forward Chaining.

What is Forward Chaining.

Forward Chaining: is an internal technique which automatically finds the changes in one property value to changes in other property values or indexes.

Declare Trigger: Rule-Declare-Trigger/ is a declarative processing which automatically run an activity when an instance of specific class are created, updated or deleted in the DB. These implements Forward Chaining

Declare Constraint- Rule-Declare-Constraint/ is a declarative processing which automatically run validation when a specified property is touched. This implements Forward Chaining


harness rule defines a runtime form that supports application users as they enter, review, update, and resolve work objects. Harnesses rules support the display of work object forms.

Developers define work object forms through harness rules (Rule-HTML-Harness rule type) and section rules (Rule-HTML-Section rule type).

standard harness forms are New, Perform, Review, Confirm, Reopen, PrintReview

    New — Support initial entry (creation) of the object.
    Perform — Support users completion of assignments.
    Review — Display the work objects in display-only mode, with no fields changeable.
    Confirm — Accept a text note explaining a user’s reasoning about a recently completed assignment.
    Reopen — Support reopening a previously resolved work object.
    PrintReview — Support printing of all the fields.

A section is a portion or area of a standard work object form that is incorporated on a harness form. Sections may contain other sections, informally called subsections.

The appearance, behavior, and contents of a section are defined by a section rule (Rule-HTML-Section rule type). Section rules are referenced in:

    Harness rules
    Other section rules
    Flow action rules
    Paragraph rules with SmartInfo pop-ups


Clipboard: is a tool used for debugging and troubleshooting aid for application developers. Is an temporary memory area on server. Its an hierarchy structure consisting of nodes known as pages most of which have a name and an associated class.

Pages act as a buffers or temporary copies of object instance that are copied from, or may later be stored into, the PRPC DB or another DB.

Clipboard tool is used for developing and debugging to:

Examine property values and messages

Quickly create, update, delete and modify pages using Action menu

Quickly execute activities and start flows using action menu

We can find pages and we can Refresh or only refresh current page.

The clipboard contains three broad categories of top-level pages:

1. User Pages

2. Declared pages

3. System managed pages: requestor page, process page, and application pages, Thread page, Operator ID, organization, orgDivision.

User Page: is a top level clipboard page that an activity creates pages using the methods like Page-New. All the user pages will appear here once we log off, all the user pages will be removed from the memory i.e. will not be saved to Pega DB.

If your requestor session times out, user pages may be lost, or may be saved for up to 3 days

Thread page—pxThread page is a top level clipboard page known as Thread page. The page has a class of Code-Pega-Thread

Process Page—pxProcess page is a top level clipboard page known as Process page. The page has a class of Code-Pega-Process. This page Contains information from the Data-Admin-System instance.

Declare Page-is a clipboard page created by execution of a declare page rules (Rule-Declare-Pages rule type. The name of the declarative pages start with Declare_. The content of these pages are visible but Read-Only to the requestors. Such pages are created and updated only through activities identified in a Declare Pages rule.

Declarative pages can improve performance and reduce memory requirement issues when all or many requestors in an application need to access static information or slowly changing information.

Requestor Page- pxRequestor page is a top level clipboard page known as Requestor page. The page has a class of Code-Pega-Requestor. The system creates a page during at login time and contains information about our Access roles, Security, Ruleset list and HTTP protocol parameters, Work pools available details, workbasket that we can access, connection session, Login Date and Time details and previous login Date and time details etc.

This page context is useful for troubleshooting and debugging.

Page Context is a property is a pageList or Page Group property reference

property has mode Single Value and appears directly on a page of the Applies To class, or if creating a context-free expression.


Decision Rule

A decision table is a rule defining a series of tests performed on property values to allow an automated decision. Decision table are instances of the Rule-Declare-DecisionTable rule type.

Decision tables can capture and present business logic in the form of one or more if… then… else conditions.

A decision tree rule defines a series of tests that are performed on property values to allow an automated decision. Decision trees are instances of the Rule-Declare-DecisionTree rule type.

Decision trees can capture and present business logic in the form of one or more if… then… else conditions.

A map value rule is a rule that converts one or two input values, such as latitude and longitude numbers, into a calculated result value, such as a city name. The rule uses ranges for the input value or values and a matrix to look up the result.

Map value rules are instances of the Rule-Obj-MapValue rule type. This rule type is part of the Decision category.

When condition rule: When rule defines a true-false test based on comparing on or more property values with constant values or with other property values. A when condition rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-When rule type


How to limit connections to Pega DB?

Open prconfig.xml file with XML editor (SMA)
locate pegarules DB username and password

add the following changes:

To limit size of the pool to 20 connections and if connection pool is empty for 30sec when a requestor is waiting then java exception throws.

save the updated file and undeploy and redeploy to make changes effective.

A blocked rule and a withdrawn rule are both invisible to rule resolution. Similarly, both blocked rules and withdrawn rules prevent lower-version rules with the same RuleSet and visible key from being selected by rule resolution. However, a blocked rule may block other rules in any RuleSet, and a blocked rule stops rule resolution from finding rules in higher Applies To classes. A withdrawn rule affects other rules only in one RuleSet and one Applies To class.

When you skim a RuleSet version that contains a blocked rule, the resulting RuleSet version does not contain the blocked rule or any rules that the blocked rule blocks. When you skim a RuleSet version that contains a withdrawn rule, the resulting RuleSet version contains the withdrawn rule.

Diff b/w Blocked and Withdrawn Rules?

A blocked rule and a withdrawn rule are both invisible to rule resolution. Similarly, both blocked rules and withdrawn rules prevent lower-version rules with the same RuleSet and visible key from being selected by rule resolution. However, a blocked rule may block other rules in any RuleSet, and a blocked rule stops rule resolution from finding rules in higher Applies To classes. A withdrawn rule affects other rules only in one RuleSet and one Applies To class.

When you skim a RuleSet version that contains a blocked rule, the resulting RuleSet version does not contain the blocked rule or any rules that the blocked rule blocks. When you skim a RuleSet version that contains a withdrawn rule, the resulting RuleSet version contains the withdrawn rule.

    What is the difference between Page-Validate and Property-Validate methods?
    Page-Validate method is used to validate all the properties present on a page. If a page has embedded pages, this method works recursively to validate all the properties. This method consumes lot of system resources and takes more time. If you want to validate specific properties use Obj-Validate method with Rule-Obj-Validate rule.
    Property-Validate method is used to impose restrictions on a property value. Use Edit validate rule along with Property-Validate method to impose restrictions. You can validate multiple properties using Property-Validate method.
    What is difference between Edit validate and Edit Input rules?
    Edit Validate : Use edit validate rule to validate the property value using java code. Edit validate rules can be used property-validate, Rule-Obj-Validate and Property rules.
    Edit Input : Edit input rules converts user entered data into required format. For example is the user enters date MM/DD/YYYY format, edit input rule coverts this date into DD-MMM-YYYY (required format). Again we need to write java code for this transformation.
    Where assignments will be stored in pega rules database?
    Work List related  assignments are stored in pc_assign_worklist.
    Work basket related assignments are stored in pc_assign_workbasket.
    Where work objects will be stored ?
    Work Objects are stored in pc_work table by default. however if you want to store the work objects in a user created table, follow the below mentioned steps.
        Create a schema similar to pc_work table. (The best thing is to copy the pc_work schema and modify the table name and constraints name if any)
        Change the class group mapping (Data-Admin-DB-Table) to the newly created table.
    If I have 3 different work objects in my application, how to store them in three different tables?
    Open/Create the Data-Admin-DB-Table instance for each class and mention the table name. By doing this the individual work objects will be stored in the new table you mentioned in the Data-Admin-DB-Table instance. This is a best practice if there too many object instances for each class.
    What is StepStatusGood, StepStatusFail rules?
    StepStatusGood is a when condition defined in @baseclass, this when rule checks whether the value of pxMethodStatus property is “Good”.
    StepStatusFail is a when condition defined in @baseclass, this when rule checks whether the value of pxMethodStatus property is “Fail”.


1)What is Access Group?
2)What is different types of inheritence?
3)What is the diifference between Abstract Class and Concrete class
4)What is work party?
5)What is a Product?
6)What Covers and Folders?
7)What is Split-Join?
8)What is Split-ForEach?
9)What is Ticket?
10)What is skimming?
11)What is clipboard?
12)What is pyWorkPage?
13)What is pz* properties?
14)What is py* properties?
15)What is declared page?
16)What is spin-off?
17)Types of inheritence
18)What is AES?
19)How do we use Tracer? Trace by rule
20)What is forward and backward chaining
21)What is BPM?
22)What is difference between BRE and BPM?
23)What is the difference between Folder and Cover?


   How did u call Activity B from Activity A(belonging to the same class) (CALL /Branch Method )
    Tell something about activities, step pages, clipboard(how to use it)
     What is the may start option in the security tab of Activity
     What do you find in Activity type
     How do you able to view a group of activities of a class? (technical)
    What are the step methods you used while creating Activity in your previous project.
     Activities types used to notify the email correspondences.

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Pega interview

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1.What is the difference between Page-Validate and Property-Validate methods?  
Page-Validate method is used to validate all the properties present on a page. If a page has embedded pages, this method works recursively to validate all the properties. This method consumes lot of system resources and takes more time. If you want to validate specific properties use Obj-Validate method with Rule-Obj-Validate rule.   
Property-Validate method is used to impose restrictions on a property value. Use Edit validate rule along with Property-Validate method to impose restrictions. You can validate multiple properties using Property-Validate method.

2.What is difference between Edit validate and Edit Input rules?  
Edit Validate : Use edit validate rule to validate the property value using java code. Edit validate rules can be used property-validate, Rule-Obj-Validate and Property rules.
Edit Input : Edit input rules converts user entered data into required format. For example is the user enters date MM/DD/YYYY format, edit input rule coverts this date into DD-MMM-YYYY (required format). Again we need to write java code for this transformation.

3.Where assignments will be stored in pega rules database? 
Work List related  assignments are stored in pc_assign_worklist. 
Work basket related assignments are stored in pc_assign_workbasket.

4.Where work objects will be stored ?
Work Objects are stored in pc_work table by default. however if you want to store the work objects in a user created table, follow the below mentioned steps.
Create a schema similar to pc_work table. (The best thing is to copy the pc_work schema and modify the table name and constraints name if any)
Change the class group mapping (Data-Admin-DB-Table) to the newly created table.

5.If I have 3 different work objects in my application, how to store them in three different tables?
Open/Create the Data-Admin-DB-Table instance for each class and mention the table name. By doing this the individual work objects will be stored in the new table you mentioned in the Data-Admin-DB-Table instance. This is a best practice if there too many object instances for each class.

6.What is StepStatusGood, StepStatusFail rules?
StepStatusGood is a when condition defined in @baseclass, this when rule checks whether the value of pxMethodStatus property is "Good".
StepStatusFail is a when condition defined in @baseclass, this when rule checks whether the value of pxMethodStatus property is "Fail".

7. How to make any rule as a favorite to your manager
Delegate the rule to manager.

8. Where can i see the paramater values in the clipboard ( values ..) i am passing one activity to other .
No  its  not possible  in clipboard, but  you can  see in tracer by clicking   page name which in step method  column .

9. How to import rules using pzinskey
Open the rule, from that pick the  pzinskey, go to  prdbutil  and using the pxinskey  export the rule Import that zip file where you want.

10. Difference between activity and utility
An activity is an instance of the Rule-Obj-Activity rule type. An activity is the fundamental sequential processing unit of the Process Commander system.

The shape in a Visio flow diagram, references an activity that updates a work object, but does not require user interaction and input. Your system includes standard activities for utility tasks, and you can create additional ones.

Each utility task references an activity with an Activity Type of Utility ss from utility shape  we can call activity but vise versa not possible.

11. Difference between obj-open and obj-open-by-handled
Obj-Open  : we will get multiple records from  table  based  on the criteria  from the  specified  class. Or Opens an instance of a given class

OBJ-open-handle:  here we have have to pass the pzInskey  as a instance handle, this mehod will  open only  one record at time. Or  Open object by handle to the pzInsKey value
The handle of an instance is a unique key, in an internal format, assembled by the system that identifies an instance in the PegaRULES database. It may differ from the visible key generally used to identify instances. (Every instance has a unique handle, but more than one instance may share the same visible key.) For rule instances, the handle includes system-generated identifying values (including the create date and time) that make it unique.

Use the Obj-Open-By-Handle method only if you can determine the unique handle that permanently identifies which instance to open. Otherwise, use the Obj-Open method.

12. Inheritance concept in the pega (rules, class)
Rules: inheritance that can maximize reuse of your rules while allowing localized overriding as appropriate. Also called polymorphism, inheritance allows a rule created for one class (possibly an abstract class) to be applied to other classes that inherit from it.

Class inheritance searches for rules from a concrete, lower class, up the class hierarchy to find available rules.

Two types of class inheritance — directed inheritance and pattern inheritances

13. Performance of our work in the pega is measured using?
1. DBTrace: DBTrace is a feature in the Performance Analysis Tool (PAL) that creates a detailed log of calls to the PegaRULES database. DBTrace displays SQL statements sent to the database and the time spent for each operation.

PAL: This data is stored in “PAL counters” or “PAL readings.” PAL stands for Performance AnaLyzer, and is a collection of counters and timer readings, stored in the requestor, that an application developer could use to analyze performance issues in a system.

PAL Features
•    Add Reading
•    Add Reading with Clipboard Size
•    Reset Data
•    Save Data
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During application processing, Process Commander writes to the performance alert log a sequence of text entries called alert messages that identify mainly performance-related issues or errors. The performance alert log is usually named PegaRULES-ALERT-YYYY-MMM-DD log.


Exceptions are processed in a similar way as alerts. When a Process Commander server generates exceptions they are sent by SOAP to the AES system. The system parses the exceptions and stores the records in the pegaam_exception table in the AES database. Based upon how often an exception occurs and the system events that triggered those exceptions, AES aggregates these records into work objects called AES exception items. These items are written to the AES database in the pegaam_exception_work table.

14. How to connect to different pega applications?

15. How to store the instance of the class in a specific database
Creating the separate DB table for that work class with in the DB, or map to external db and further saves will go to that DB

16. Difference between obj-list, rdb-list?
Obj-list : Retrieve to a page, read-only, a selected set of properties Import ant fields Obj-List:

RequestType: The Type of the browse; allows different processing or sets of properties to be defined.  Defaults to Standard.  Key-part to the Rule-RDB-SQL instance.

Access: An indication of the database package used to access this table, from the INI file (currently ODBC).  Key-part to the Rule-RDB-SQL instance.

ClassName: The object class on which the browse is performed.

Rdb-list: To Retrive   external Relational Database List.
Import tant fields in RDB-List:

PageName: Page Name indicating where the results will be put

ObjClass: The object Class to List.  When used with RuleObjList parameter, this is the class of the list to use.

17. How to see values of the local variables of the activity.
Using log-message.

18. how can i store the instance of the class in the data base
Creating the separate DB table for that work class with in the DB, or map to external db and further saves will go to that DB.

19. default data table where the instance of the class are store (how it will search ) pc_work
PC_ work

1.     Workbasket assignments are stored in a single pr_assign_workbasket table.
2.     Worklist assignments are stored in a single pr_assign_worklist table.
3.     The Work- base class is mapped to the pc_work table, a table with columns that represent all the work object properties that need to be exposed for flow processing to function correctly. Map your work object classes to either the pc_work stable or another table that has the same columns.
4.     The Data- base class is mapped to the pr_data table. Map your data classes to either the pr_data table or another table that has the same columns.
5.     all Rule related data will  be stored in pr4_pegarules.

6.    The pr_other table is the last resort or default destination for saved insstances that belong to a class that is not mapped to any other tables.

20. In Routing activity what is the default property used to route the object
pxRouteTo=Param.AssignTo =” work basket name”  for  work basket .s

For work list:

pxRouteTo =Param.Worklist=”true”   && Param.AssignTo =” pxRequestor.pyUserIdentifier”    for work list.

21. In routing activity if i use workbasket name instead of work list name .. when can i know it is wrong (run time, complile time)
Run time.

22. Notify
When you want to configure your flow to automatically send notification messages about assignments, connect a notify shape to the assignment. A notify shape identifies a notify activity.

23. ticket: explain any senarion u used
Use the Ticket shape ( ) to mark the starting point for exceptions that may arise at any point in the flow, such as a cancellation. The ticket is a label for a point in a flow, much like a programming “GOTO” destination.

24. table used for add note

25. Default activity used to create work object
There is more than one like Add, CreateWork, and New.

26. Different type of flows. Explain in scenario based where u used and worked
Spin-off, Split- Join and Split for each.

27. work object ID.. how to create.. activites ued to create, or methods Work ID:
Work ID:
RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY WORK- GENERATEID for Generates Work ID, The activity checks for the ID of the work object. If the ID doesn’t exist it gets a unique ID from the database and adds the History.
Create work object:
work objects can be created using Add, AddWork,New…

RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY WORK- ADDWORK: Call this activity to create a new work object from a Utility or Post-Processing activity.  Prior to calling this activity create and populate a new work object page using createWorkPage then use it as the primary page to call this activity. Caller must commit changes using commitWithErrorHandling.

28. how to send multiple correspondences at a time
Starts the Application Preflight tool, which reports warning conditions on the rules in your Application RuleSets. These may indicate guardrail compliance issues, potential performance issues, accessibility status, or other notable conditions.

- Application Preflight tool to list each rule in an application that contains a warning message. Warning messages suggest that the rule is at variance with guardrails and other best practices. You can also check for browser compatibility of visual elements.
you can extend the set of warnings with a custom activity named Rule-ZZZZ.CheckForCustomWarnings, where Rule-ZZZZ is a rule type.
Warnings are maintained as instances of the Index-Warning class and saved in the pr_index_warnings database table.

The standard decision tree rule Embed-Warning.pxWarningDetails controls whether warnings of a specific type are reported in the Application Preflight tool. By default, all are reported; you can override this decision tree rule to choose which to omit. This decision tree tests the property pxWarningType, which can have values indicating the source of the warning, such as:
=>    Java — an activity contains a Java step
=>    API 02 — an activity uses the Version 3 PublicAPI

=>    WriteNow — An activity step includes a method with an immediate database write operation rather than a Commit method.

29. How to call an Activity from Java Script?
Function A ()
var urlPath = “./PRServlet” ;
var url = urlPath + “?pyActivity=GHC-HPlan-CS-Work.ABC&CSR=” + CSR;,”_self”);


30. how to end the workobject in the activity ( method used to kill the work object)
Using  java script.

31. how to call an activity from the java, java script
Function A ()
var urlPath = “./PRServlet” ;
var url = urlPath + “?pyActivity=GHC-HPlan-CS-Work.ABC&CSR=” + CSR;,”_self”);

Or  you can use osafeURL to call an activity
Using  java :
sHashStringMap activityKeys = new HashStringMap();
activityKeys.putString(“pxObjClass”, “Rule-Obj-Activity”);
activityKeys.putString(“pyClassName”, workclass);
activityKeys.putString(“pyActivityName”, “HistoryAndAttachments” );

tools.doActivity(activityKeys , workpage, tools.getParameterPage() );

32. How to pass parameters to the activity using the java, JavaScript?
pyActivity=GHC-HPlan-CS-Work.ABC&CSR=” + CSR.

33. How can I pass page as the parameter to the activity using java, JavaScript?
Using java you can, may be using java scripts you  can , I not sure

34. How to call an Activity from Java step?
HashStringMap activityKeys = new HashStringMap();
activityKeys.putString(“pxObjClass”, “Rule-Obj-Activity”);
activityKeys.putString(“pyClassName”, workclass);
activityKeys.putString(“pyActivityName”, “HistoryAndAttachments” );

tools.doActivity(activityKeys , workpage, tools.getParameterPage() );

35. How to get a property value from clipboard using Java step?
ClipboardPage workpage = tools.findPage(pagename);
String  propername = workpage.getProperty(“.pxResults.Risk”).toString();

 String  propertyname= tools.findPage(“WorkListPage”).getProperty(“.pxResults.Risk”).toString();

36. How to restrict the harness, section to particular user
Using the circumstances or using different access groups and privileges

37. List different functions used to call an activity from java script. (urlToRun,”_self”);
openUrlInSpace (urlToRun,”");

Where  urlToRun refer the activity name

38. How a user’s ruleset list is formed ( the logic )?
The system adds entries it finds from following sources in the order listed. The system adds entries it finds from these sources in the top of the list,

1. Requestor : (Data-Admin-Requestor class) — Usually this adds the RuleSets named Pega-RULES, and Pega-IntSvcs and a version or version prefix for these
2. Division — As referenced in the Operator-ID instance
3. Organization — As referenced in the Operator-ID instance
4. Access Group : As referenced in the Operator-ID instance
5. Ruleset Versions — Prerequisite RuleSets and Versions to those already compiled

6. Operator ID : If this user has the ability to check out rules, the personal RuleSet (named the same as the Operator ID key) is added last. Also called as private ruleset.

39. How to connect external java application without using connect-java
SOAP or JMS or  IAC s

40. Spinoff // split join explain
Spin-off shape ( ) onto the flow
When a work object advancing through a flow reaches the Spin-off shape, Process Commander starts execution of a different flow, using the current or a different work object. Processing in the current flow rule continues in parallel, without waiting for the other flow to complete.

the Split/Join shape ( ) onto the flow
Use the Split-Join shape to require that multiple subflows of your flow be completed before the current flow continues execution. This allows subflows to execute asynchronously, in parallel. For an example, see the standard flow Work-.ParallelWork.

Split-ForEach shape ( ) to any locations

The Split-ForEach task provides a form of searching or enumeration over the pages in a property. Use a Split-ForEach shape to iterate over the pages of a Page List or Page Group property. For each page, you can conditionally start a flow execution for the work object.

41. Privileges usage…
A privilege is an application-specific access control element associated with a class and access role.

A privilege rule is an instance of a Rule-Access-Privilege rule type.

Using privilege rules in an application is optional, but they can offer finer control over access than access roles alone.

42. Decision / fork usage… Scenarios Decision:
Use the Decision task ( ) to reference a map value rule, decision table rule, decision tree rule or a Boolean expression that when evaluated produces a value that is the basis of branching in the flow.
At runtime, the system evaluates the decision rule based on inputs from the flow and the work object, and  chooses one of the outgoing connectors based on the result. No user interaction or input is required.

Fork: Use the fork shape ( ) to represent a point where the flow execution chooses one of a few different paths (connectors) based on tests on the work object. At runtime, the system evaluates the conditions on each outgoing connector, starting with the connector assigned the highest likelihood

43. How to expose the column in the blob… of the database
Using the Modify Database Schema wizard.

44.What is a class group?

45.Difference between forke and decision shape

46.Differentiate Obj-Browse and Obj-List-View

47.Differentiate Obj-List-View and Obj-Summary-View

48.Which activity do we use in Obj-List-View to customize the search results

49.What is the use of pyDefault model?

50.Differentiate Decision table, Decision tree, Map value and Map value pair

1.What are the fields in the properties panel of an assignment shape?

2.Where can we call the activities in a flow action?

3.What is Class structure of your Project? Explain about the project Flow?

4.What is the Rule availability?

5.What is the Final availability and how can change availability of Rule?

6.Can you Override Final rule?

7.What is the rule resolution Algorithm and can you tell me how it works or search?

8.How it works in the while in Inheritance rule?

9.Can you tell me the direct inheritance and Pattern inheritance?

10.What is the Work object?

11.Where is the work object stored?

12.Can you change the Work object table?

13.What are the standard properties?


1.What is SMA?

2.Differentiate Obj-Open Vs Obj-Browse

3.How do you handle exceptions

4.Differentiate the usage of Assignment Shape and Router shape

5.Where do you define default values

6.What is the primary key of pc_assign_worklist

1.Difference between Java and Pega 

2.Guardrails of Pega 

3.What do you mean by Build for Change 

4.Difference between page and pagelist 

5.why we use connect-soap and can we use it to connect external database 

6.why we use connect-sql many shapes you know in pega. 

8.what do you mean by calculate and edit declaratively not procedurally 

9.what are tickets give scenario where you used tickets

10.What are the 6 R’s

1)    What is the Flow Action? Explain about the FlowAction?
2)    What is the Activity?
3)    Explain Obj-open, Obj-Save?
4)    What is the Model?
5)    What is the Harness? Section?
6)    What is Split-Join?
7)    Types of inheritance?
8)    What is the use of property-set Method?
9)    Diff b/w Decision Table and Decision tree?
10)   Declare expression and Declare constraints?

1) How do you expose a property?
2) What is the need of exposing a property?
3) About obj-open,obj-save?
4) Difference obj-list, Obj-browse?
5) rdb-open, rdb-save?
6) What is a screen flow?
7) Difference between screen flow and process flow?
8) What is Split-ForEach?
9) Difference between page and page list?
10)what is the work object?Where it is Stored?Can We Change The Table?
11)What is a class group?

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