Sunday, October 15, 2017 

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  • Difference between Split-join and split for each?
A) Split join is sub flow of ur flow is completed before continuing the current flow completed.
   Split for each is to send a work object through another flow based on the information in the pages of page list and page group.

  • Rule-Declare-Trigger?
A) It identifies an activity to run when an instance of specific class is saved, updated or deleted in the database.
   this implements a form of forward chaining.
 EX: A Declare Trigger rule can execute an activity each time an instance of class is saved with modified ZIP code.The activity might send a email to
     Sales representative whose area includes new address.DT can implement a form of class history like date, time and other facts.

  • Obj-browse and obj-list difference?
A) Obj-methods used to fetch the data from the BLOB columns, but RDB methods can only help to fetch the data from exposed columns.
   RDB methods are faster than Obj methods in terms of response time.

  • obj-validate and edit-validate?
A) Obj-validate is used to run validate rules on set of properties and representing user input.
   edit-validate is used to test the user inputs.

  • Activity-end AND Exit-Activity difference?
A) Activity-End is used to end the current activity and calling the activity.
   Exit-Activity is used to end the current activity.

  • Can we start a flow using activity and what is that method which is to be used?
A) Yes, Flow-New method is used to start a new flow.

  • Can we resolve an work object using activity?
A) by using call generate ID and Call Add work to resolve the work object.

  • Can we use Rdb-Save along with commit, if yes then why? if not yes then why?
A)  Yes, commit is used to save the data permanent in the DB.

  • what is skimming explain?
A)  It collect the highest version of the every rule in the ruleset and copies them into new major version of that ruleset on the same system.
    EX: If we are skimming loan appl:05-06-07, the only options like 06-01-01 and 07-01-01, but we can not skim to 05-07-08 and so on.

  • What is Access Group and Access roles and difference between them?
A)  Access groups make a set of RuleSet versions available to requestors.
    Use an access role name to convey permissions (capabilities) to a user or a group of users. Access roles can be referenced
    in requestor instances, Operator ID instances, in access group instances, in activities, and in queries.

  • what is Covers folder and object and differences among them?
A)  Cover is work object that is parent to one or more related work objects.
    One work party is present in the cover work object and also present in the covered work objects associated with the covers.
    Folder is work object in concrete class that inherits from the work-Folder-class.
    A folder object holds a collection of one or more other work objects providing access for reporting.

  • What is SLA? where we use SLA?
A)  A service level rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-Service Level rule type. Each service level rule defines one or two time intervals, known as goals and deadlines that indicate the expected or targeted time for the assignment, or time-to-resolve for the work object.
    If an assignment isn't completed before the time limit, the system can automatically raise the assignment, and cancel the entire flow, and so on

  • How many requestor types are there and what are they?
A)  Application, Batch, Browser, Portal.

  • Backward chaining and forward chaining?
A)  Forward Chaining: It provides the automatic calculations of the property value by executing the declarative rule, when any one of the input  property value is changed.
    EX:  If the Area property depends on the Length and Width property, then forward chaining causes the Area property recomputed each time either
    Length/Width value changes.
    Backward Chaining: It provides the automatic calculations of a property value by executing the declarative rule, when a value is needed for   property rather than whenever inputs change.
    EX:  If the Area property depends on the Length and Width property, then backward chaining causes the Area property recomputed each time  the Area property is required.

  • Diff b/n file listener and connect file?
A) File listener used to import data from a file.
   Connect file defines the name and location of an output file created by ur application.
  • what is local action?
A) when action is finished work object returns to same assignment.
  • what is WSDL file?
A) it is web services description is written in XML format.

  • what is data-,work-,rule- classes?
A) Rule- base class is the abstract class of the rule classes. It defines how an organization uses that application and run the business.
   Work- is the super class to all the classes that defines work objects.
   Data- is an abstract class that contains static data.
   Data- do not repeat the information stored in the other databases.
   such type of information can be accessed from the process commander system with connectors.


  • Tell me abt ur project and roles and responsibilities?

  • Declarative rules?
A) Rule-Declare-Expressions, Rule-Declare-Index, Rule-Declare-Trigger, Rule-Declare-OnChange

  • Declare on change?
A) it is the instance of Rule-Declare-OnChange rule types. it is used to run an activity automatically at activity step limits whenever the specify  property value is changed. this capability provides automatic forward chaining.
   EX: we can create a declare onchange rule to send an email to emp whenever HRA,TA,PF is changed. we can define RDO rules property inside the embedded page. we need to specify page name and class name in the pages and classes tab.

  • Declare pages?
A) it is the instance of Rule-Declare-Pages rule type. it is used to define the content of clipboard page that is available in read only mode for multiple requestors in ur application. the name of the declare page starts with Declare_.

what is rule resolution?
A)  It is a mechanism to decide which rule need to be executed at run time.

Work process of rule resolution?
A)  @ match the class hierarchy.
    @ filter by ruleset list and availability.
    @ filter based on time
    @ Qualify on circumstance
    @ enforces access roles and privileges
    @ executing the survivor rule.

What is circumstance?
A) Circumstance is the optional condition and enhancement of rule resolution alg. diff variations of the rules within the same version created for diff flavors suit for different situation.  circumstance works during the rule resolution, at run time system first find the rules based on class hierarchy then searches for a rules the requestors session needs, it compares the values of rule set, version, availability to determine which rule executed.

call, branch?
A) call Activity: the call activity instructs the current activity to find and run another activity using rule resolution.After the called activity completes the calling activity processing.the called activity can use its parameter page. the main advantage of call activity is reuse.
   Branch Activity: it is similar to call method. Branch activity refers to the another activity. the execution of the original activity ends the execution of the branched activity completed without return..

Diff b/w Obj-validate & Property-validate?
A) ( obj-validate is we can do validations for multiple properties of a single work object)
   ( property-validate is only one property we can do validations for single work object)

What is Access Group?
A) Access Group controls the security basing on the job functions. It is instance of Data-Admin-Operator-AccessGroup. Various aspects that can be controlled through access group are default and available types of works( also called as work pools ) , Primary rulesets ( Access Control to rulesets), Assigned roles, Portal layout 

What is Work list, Work basket?
A) work list is a outstanding assignment waiting for a user to perform them.
   work basket is a instance of Data-Admin-Workbasket class. Work object progress through a flow execution, the system creates assignment. Assignment may be created either with individual user or work basket.

what is parallel processing in pega?
A) running a parallel sub flow to the main flow or calling a service through integration shapes and at the same time processing a job.....

what is Agent?
A)  Agents are  internal background process operating on the server to run an activities. Agents are asynchronous and independent. They also perform system tasks such as sending email notifications and synchronizing caches across nodes. Activities they call run individually on their own scheduled and one activity doesn't have to finish another activity

How to integrate with SOAP (or) how to create a connect SOAP?
A) service pkg, service soap, activity.

what is diff b\n RDB,OBJ methods?
A) Obj method can be used to fetch the data from Blob columns but RDB methods can only help to fetch the data from exposed columns
  RDB methods are faster than OBJ methods in terms of response time
 Normally we use OBJ methods for pega tables and RDB methods to fetch the data from external database

what is  exact difference between step page and page new(both will create the pages)?
A) Step page defines the page context on which a method is going to be executed. step page does not creates a page..while  page-new is used to create page

what is exactly obj-browse and obj-list(why it is deprecated)
A) obj-browse allows you to filter the data instead of fetching all the data...thus lesser memory consumption...
   deprecated means...pega does not recommends using it..but to support previous version application they have kept  it

How to move code from development server to test server?
A) create a new instance for product category, in that category we have to provide rule sets and rule set versions create zip file and moves to  test server.

when will we go for may start and authenticate?
A) If calling an activity from any other activity may start check box is optional.if the activity getting called for the form submission then may start in need to be checked.
   Authentication is the process of determining the identity of user or requestor. proper authentication is required for the activity to get start for the corresponding operator. Activity will not triggered when the authentication is checked.

Describe Property-set method?
A) set the value of one or more property values. it contains property name and property value.

Diff between Obj-open & Obj-browse ?
A) obj-open is used to open single value in the blob column.
   obj-browse is used to open more than one value in the clipboard page/external system

What is flow-action?
A) it is the instance of Rule-Obj-Flow Action rule type. it is the one category in UI specifies the choices to user performing assigned work object.
 Local FA: if action is finished, work object returns to same level.
 Connector FA: if action is finished, work object moves to next level.

What is d use of Primary page?
A) the primary page is nothing but a clipboard page.
   primary page is nothing but a step page in activity. it refers in . to display the property..

Why u need class group?
A) we need to add one or more class groups to create the work pools in which user associated in the access group to create the work objects.

• What is SLA and how do u know whether it is working or nor?
A) it is the instance of Rule-Obj-Servicelevel rule can be added to assignment or work object.each SL defines one or more time intervals like Goal and dead line that indicates expected or targeted time for the assignment and time to resolve for work object. Within the clipboard we have to findout whether the pyGoalproperty and pyDeadlinepropety properties are empty then SL not working.

Differentiate constraint vs validation.?
A) Constraint is a declarative rule which gets called automatically whenever invalid value entered by the user and show the error message according to ur logic, unlike constraint validation is not a declarative rule ad u need to call it from say flow actions/activity's also used for validation.

what is use of guardrails?
A) guardrails guide u, how to code any application in best way using pega.

What are the agents?
A) Agents are internal background process operating on the server to run an activity. these are asynchronous and independent.
   These are 2 type rule agent queue, data-agent-queue

What is cover and covered objects?
A)  Cover is Work Object that is parent to one or more work objects. the covered WO are Children in Parent-Child relationship.
    one work party is present in the cover work object that is also present in the covered WO associated with the covers.

Have you used spin-off shapes in your application, if so what is the case?
A)  The work object processing in the current flow in parallel without waiting in the other flow to continue.

What are the types of log files we have?
A)  Pega logs: these are also called as system logs. message was created since the server starts recently.
    Alert log: it contains only alerts and supports performance related monitoring.

Tell me about the locking concept in PRPC?
A)  Lock should be held on the work object in order to save/update/delete the content in the db.

What is DWA (Direct Web Access)?
A)  DWA is any one access the World wide web and email to process an assignment on a one time basis.this feature extends the scope ur appl to empls
    througout the enterprise.

 What are PEGA Guardrails?
A)           Adopt iterative approach
                Establish Robust foundation
                Do nothing that is hard
                Limit custom java
                Built for change
                Design intend on driven process
                Create easy to read flow
                Monitor performance regularly
                Calculate and edit declaratively not by procedurally
                Keep security object oriented

What is the diff b/n Decision Table and decision tree?
A)  D Tree is used to check multiple properties
    D Table is used to check only one property.

What is Declare expression?
A)  It helps the automatic calculations of the property value based on the changes of the other property value.

What is order of execution in Decision Table and decision tree?
A)  D tree used the order of if-then-else logic.
    D table used to making decisions against same data element.

Rule resolution algorithm?
A)  It is a mechanism to decide which rule need to be executed.

Explain about DCO?
A)  Direct Capture Object is an appl dev tools which includes,
    Application profiler wizard, Appl Accelerator, Appl Doc Wizard, Appl use cases, Appl requirements.

How do you remove the work objects?
A)  By using obj-delete method we can delete wo.

 Do you have any idea about the AES?
A)  Autonomic Event Services is a process commander application that monitors, retrieves and organize the alert data from one or more clustered process  commander system throughout the enterprise. AES provides the charts, reports information about the events.

 What are the rules which are not rule resolved??
A)  withdrawn rule is not rule resolved.

What is the major difference between the Cover and Folder
A)  Cover is a work object that are parent to one or more related work objects.
    Folder is concrete class that is inherited from work-folder- class. Folder holds the collection of one or more other work objects.

What is Difference between screen flow and process flow?
A)  screen flow is for UI improvement..while process flow is for business logic both have diff purpose.
    In screen flow we can't create a WO, in process flow we can create a WO. in Screen flow we have next, previous options are available in process flow not available.

How do you provide SLA for the work-object?
A)  within the assignment level we will provide the SLA.

If you have work experience on Soap Service. What are the rules required for Soap Service?
A)  Service Package, Service SOAP, Activity

About the debugging tools like Clipboard, Tracer etc?
A)  Tracer: it is a tool that checks the individual requestors session, tracking the execution of rules. you can set the breakpoints to set the results of an action and review the property value.
    Clipboard: transferring the data between the application and database is clipboard. process commander keeps XML based structure called pages and page contains property value pairs.

What is the need of exposing a property?
A)  need to add a property one of the column in DB.

What is the difference between harness & section?
A) Harness: Use Harness rule to define appearance and processing of wok object forms used in ur app to create WO and process Assignments.
 Harness rule define the complete forms that support all user interactions that create, update and resolve the WO.
 Section: A section rule defines the appearance and contents of the form.

What is SLA’s & what are the types of SLA’s. where we can put these?
A) It is the instance of Rule-Obj-Service Level Rule type. It can be added to Assignment and work object.
   Service level contains 2 time intervals Goal and Deadline. it indicates the expected time for the assignment and time to resolve the WO.

Which inheritance is mandatory? direct Or pattern?
A) both are mandatory depends on requirement we will use both. we will give first preference to Directed. It should not be left blank.

Implementation and Methodology Overview
Pegasystems offers two methodologies -- SmartBPM and Pega Scrum -- that you can use to manage application development projects. Both provide an adaptable process framework which is flexible and can be blended without conflict with organization's methods and project management approach.
The methodologies are designed to work together with Process Commander's Direct Capture of Objectives capabilities and integrate with Pegasystems' Project Management and Test Management frameworks.
What is the SmartBPM Methodology?
SmartBPM methodology takes an iterative development approach that is structured around four phases and two supplemental activities. It is not a concrete prescriptive process. It is designed to be flexible so your implementation team can adapt it to any size project.
Project Initiation Activity — Kicks off project development. The goal of this activity is to prepare, organize, and set the proper expectations for the project initiative to follow. Performed at the beginning of the project, its goal is knowledge transfer and education. This is to provide business participants with terminology that assists them with requirements gathering, objective determination and scope definition.
Inception Phase — Defines the scope, captures business requirements and organizes them into projects that result in an approved proposal. The current process is evaluated to identify possible improvements. Projects are broken down into manageable development units called slivers. Requirements, use cases, and work types are captured and entered into the Application Profiler. The development effort is estimated.
Elaboration Phase — Builds out the foundation of the proposed implementation using the Application Profile in the Application Accelerator. Requirements, use cases, and work types are expanded to include further details. Process discovery is performed to identify the initial flow of work and user interface design. Application standards are established. Testing and migration plans are drafted.
Construction Phase — Builds the implementation on the foundation created in the Elaboration phase. Configuration tasks are assigned using an iterative implementation model. Components are unit tested as they are completed and test scripts are developed.
Transition Phase — Moves the implementation to the end user and testing teams. The focus is on end to end testing and user acceptance to ensure the quality of the application and its readiness for migration and deployment to production.
Go-Live Activity — Occurs when a completed sliver is launched into a production environment and business users begin to use the live application.
Pega Scrum is a good fit for implementations where:
·          Results must be achieved quickly
·         Product quality is of the utmost importance
·         Business wants to be fully engaged throughout the process
·         Requirements are changing and prioritized constantly
·         An enterprise commitment to Scrum exists
·         Teams are enabled and skilled
The lifecycle of a Pega Scrum project is designed around the five stages shown below.
pegascrum lifecycle diagram
Vision Definition — Develops an understanding of the big picture for team members, a project roadmap and high level product backlog.
Project Initiation — Determines the scope of the initial project, kicks it off and sets expectations.
Enterprise Planning — Designs the infrastructure needed to support today's capabilities and future needs as well as the enterprise level class structure that supports maximum re-use as implementations are deployed.
Release Implementation — Builds the application in sprints using the Scrum approach to software development.
Release Retrospective — Evaluates, adjusts, and improves the process to promote continuous process improvement.

Important Terminology

Application Accelerator — An automated Process Commander tool that uses input from an application profile to create the foundation rules for a new implementation.
Application Profiler — An automated Process Commander tools that creates a high-level scoping document produced that can be used as a project proposal and an application profile that can be consumed by the Appliation Accelerator to create rules. It details work types, requirements, use cases, actors, interfaces and reports/correspondence for an implementation.
Atomic Use Case — A subset of a business use case that describes a portion of the process that is performed by a single actor in the process. Corresponds to actions performed by that actor.
Business Objectives — Project goals that, when reached, signify a return on business benefit.
Business Use Case — Describes the full lifecycle of a process for a single work type. It is broken down into atomic use cases.
Requirement — Details a business need; used to verify that the resulting implementation is what the business needed.
Sliver — A subset of a larger project that is developed and implemented as a release.
Work Type — A business problem that requires an automated solution that is associated with one business use case and one or more atomic use cases. For example: A claim, loan, or service request.

Understanding the Class structure and RuleSets generated by the Application Accelerator

The Application Accelerator generates an initial layered enterprise class structure and multiple RuleSets, based upon the input values you provide (and default values)
Generated enterprise class structure
Two large diagrams depict the layers and classes in the enterprise class structure generated by the Application Accelerator

Layers in the generated class structure
The layers depicted in the enterprise class structure image are:
Enterprise Reuse
For assets that need to be reused on an enterprise-widebasis. Such assets are rules for enterprise-wide business logic (such as standard properties, decision tables, Service Level rules) and enterprise-wide data assets (such as classes and rules for data stored in the system, and classes and rules for access to data in external systems, via connectors).
For example, the MyCo enterprise wants to reuse the property that holds an employee's serial number on an enterprise-wide basis, so that the various applications used by that employee across the enterprise can consistently rely on the same serial number property for the same employee.
Divisional Reuse
For assets that need to be reused on a division-widebasis. Such assets are rules for division-wide business logic (such as standard properties, decision tables, Service Level rules) and division-wide data assets (such as classes and rules for data stored in the system, and classes and rules for access to data in external systems, via connectors).
For example, a division wants to reuse a service level rule that defines the expected response time to a customer complaint in all of its applications, so that it can consistently enforce a focus on meeting its customer relationship commitments.
Defines a common work-processing foundationthat is extended by the specific implementations.
For example, the MyCo enterprise makes auto loans, and has an auto loan framework that is comprised of all of the assets needed for MyCo's standard auto loan process. Each division of MyCo extends that basic auto loan application to meet their specific divisional needs: the commercial business line division's auto loan application needs to handle loan requests distinct from that of MyCo's personal line division.
Defines an implementationof a framework that is customized for a specific division.
For example, the commercial business line's auto loan application reuses assets from the commercial business line division layer and from the auto loan framework layer, while the personal line's auto loan application reuses assets from the personal line division layer and the auto loan framework layer.
PRPC Base Product
Consists of the PRPC system's built-in classes and rules necessary for processing cases and other work in PRPC applications, as well as for areas of PRPC itself.

A system architect starts the Application Accelerator, and in the Application Overview window, chooses the application profile the team created. To generate the application structure that supports both the framework and the equipment setup sliver, the system architect specifies a framework named OnboardingFW and an implementation named Equipment in the Application Overview window.

On the Base and RuleSets step of the Application Accelerator, the system architect replaces the displayed default organization and division values with the official ones: and HR, and keeps the default class structure of Standard. The displayed values refresh to reflect the input values:

Clicking Preview displays the enterprise class structure that will be generated by the Application Accelerator given those input values:

Why do non-work classes, like Org-, inherit from Work- (in 6.1+) or Work-Cover- (in 6.2+)
Because of rule resolution, inheriting from Work- or Work-Cover- on those levels allows for increased sharing of case-management-related or work-related assets across multiple applications. For example, if a company creates two top-level classes for some reason (such as when two organizations do not currently work with each other and they want to develop applications independently), the applications can still share work-related assets.
Why does the Org RuleSet have the OrgInt RuleSet as a prerequisite (required) RuleSet?
So that business logic rules in the Org RuleSet have the ability to reference integration-related rules and classes stored in the OrgInt RuleSet.

About the Direct Capture of Objectives (DCO)
Direct Capture of Objectives (DCO) is the set of tools designed to capture and tie business objectives, project goals, requirements, and use cases to actual implementations.
Rules and tools include:
A.    Application Profiler
B.    Application Accelerator
C.   Application Document Wizard
D.   DCO Enablement Wizard
E.    Application Use Case rules
F.    Application Requirement rules
DCO 3.2 - What's New
·         Application Profile and Application Accelerator
o    Application Profile delegation for shared authoring
o    Option to build only a framework layer
o    Enhanced framework support to build another framework and implementation on top of an existing framework
o    Improved capabilities for class structure generation and data mapping
o    Improved management of references between use cases and their respective implementations

A. Application Profiler
An Application Profile is an auto-generated Microsoft Word document designed to help you in the information-gathering phase of a project's life cycle.
The document is created by the Application Profiler -- an automated tool that guides you through a series of input steps to collect organization, use case, requirements, and other application information to produce a comprehensive and professional looking work-based proposal and sizing estimate for your projects.
The profiler supports an iterative approach to information gathering that allows you to create, update, and save profiles, and to generate in-process documents as you collect project data during the inception process.
From the File menu on the developer portal, select one of these options:
o    New > Application Profile to create a new application profile

B. Application Accelerator
The Application Accelerator is a Direct Capture tool that speeds the creation of new applications, frameworks, or the extension of an existing application or framework.
It guides you though a series of steps to gather and review the information that is used to create the class structure and rules for your application. It supports an iterative development approach that allows you to enter, update, and save data until you are ready to create the application.
The data transferred from the profile includes:
·         Application name
·         Organization
·         Business objectives
·         Work types
·         Requirements
·         Detailed reports and correspondence
From the resolve screen of the application profile, click Generate this Application.
From the File menu on the developer portal, select one of these options:
New > Enterprise Application to create a new application
The accelerator can be launched from a completed application profile or a menu on the developer portal.

C. Application Document Wizard
Application Document wizard allows you to specify reusable document settings and application data content to create professional looking documentation of application assets throughout a project lifecycle or in support of your day to day maintenance updates.
From the developer portal, select Application > Document.
D. DCO Enablement Wizard
DCO Enablement wizard allows you to add or update requirements, use cases, actors and work types to an existing application that is either partially DCO enabled or not at all.
The wizard is structured to guide you through a series of input steps that prompt you for information about the following elements of your application:
·         Requirements
·         Actors
·         Work Types
·         Use Cases
From the Application menu, select Direct Capture of Objectives > Enable this Application
From the File menu, select Open > All Wizards to open an existing enablement instance from a list of open and resolved records.

E. Application Use Case rules
Application Use Cases allow business users to describe the processing steps required to build an application in their business language. In a Process Commander application, use cases are atomic.  use case that are created and stored as rules in the application.
Using Direct Capture tools, use cases are initially specified in the Application Profiler and transferred to the Application Accelerator to create the use case rules.
F. Application Requirement rules
Application Requirements allow business users to describe requirements for an application in their business language. Requirements are simply an inventory of events, conditions, or functions that need to be satisfied and tracked in a project.
 For example:
·         “System needs to have 2-3 seconds screen to screen interaction” is a non-functional requirement tied to the overall application
·         “First Name should not be longer than 20 characters” is an a business rule requirement tied a specific use case
The requirement rule contains the following sections:
·         Definition tab — describes the requirement; specifies the type and development status
·         Implementation tab — adds and deletes requirement links to application, flow, and use case rules
·         Attachments tab — used to display, add, and delete attachments associated with the requirement  such as UML diagrams, Power Point presentations, or other project documents that provide additional details about the requirement

The following table may help you relate Process Commander terms to similar Java terms. These are analogies, not exact correspondences.
Rule type
Similar Java, XML, or
database concepts
Java expressions
initializers, constructors
public Java instance methods with a void return type
system-supplied stored procedure
instance variables
Single Value property

Java String object
rule resolution

property of mode Page List

repeating group
overridden rule

overloaded method
When condition rule
if statement
decision tree rule
nested if statement
Type for Value mode properties

primitive data types.
Most Java primitive data types are available as Process Commander Types.
primary page of an activity

this keyword
ultimate base class
Object class — topmost class
Value Group property mode


An activity is an instance of the Rule-Obj-Activity rule type. An activity is the fundamental sequential processing unit of the Process Commander system.
The shape in a Visio flow diagram, references an activity that updates a work object, but does not require user interaction and input. Your system includes standard activities for utility tasks, and you can create additional ones.
Each utility task references an activity with an Activity Type of Utility ss from utility shape  we can call activity but vise versa not possible.
Obj-Open  : we will get multiple records from  table  based  on the criteria  from the  specified  class. Or Opens an instance of a given class
OBJ-open-handle:  here we have have to pass the pzInskey  as a instance handle, this mehod will  open only  one record at time. Or  Open object by handle to the pzInsKey value
The handle of an instance is a unique key, in an internal format, assembled by the system that identifies an instance in the PegaRULES database. It may differ from the visible key generally used to identify instances. (Every instance has a unique handle, but more than one instance may share the same visible key.) For rule instances, the handle includes system-generated identifying values (including the create date and time) that make it unique.
Use the Obj-Open-By-Handle method only if you can determine the unique handle that permanently identifies which instance to open. Otherwise, use the Obj-Open method.
Rules: inheritance that can maximize reuse of your rules while allowing localized overriding as appropriate. Also called polymorphism, inheritance allows a rule created for one class (possibly an abstract class) to be applied to other classes that inherit from it.
Class inheritance searches for rules from a concrete, lower class, up the class hierarchy to find available rules.
Two types of class inheritance — directed inheritance and pattern inheritances
1. DBTrace: DBTrace is a feature in the Performance Analysis Tool (PAL) that creates a detailed log of calls to the PegaRULES database. DBTrace displays SQL statements sent to the database and the time spent for each operation.
PAL: This data is stored in “PAL counters” or “PAL readings.” PAL stands for Performance AnaLyzer, and is a collection of counters and timer readings, stored in the requestor, that an application developer could use to analyze performance issues in a system.
PAL Features
•    Add Reading
•    Add Reading with Clipboard Size
•    Reset Data
•    Save Data
•    Start DBTrace
•    DBTrace Options
•    Start Profiler
•    Show Graph
•    My Alerts
During application processing, Process Commander writes to the performance alert log a sequence of text entries called alert messages that identify mainly performance-related issues or errors. The performance alert log is usually named PegaRULES-ALERT-YYYY-MMM-DD log.
Exceptions are processed in a similar way as alerts. When a Process Commander server generates exceptions they are sent by SOAP to the AES system. The system parses the exceptions and stores the records in the pegaam_exception table in the AES database. Based upon how often an exception occurs and the system events that triggered those exceptions, AES aggregates these records into work objects called AES exception items. These items are written to the AES database in the pegaam_exception_work table.
Creating the separate DB table for that work class with in the DB, or map to external db and further saves will go to that DB
Obj-list : Retrieve to a page, read-only, a selected set of properties Import ant fields Obj-List:
RequestType: The Type of the browse; allows different processing or sets of properties to be defined.  Defaults to Standard.  Key-part to the Rule-RDB-SQL instance.
Access: An indication of the database package used to access this table, from the INI file (currently ODBC).  Key-part to the Rule-RDB-SQL instance.
ClassName: The object class on which the browse is performed.
Rdb-list: To Retrive   external Relational Database List.
Import tant fields in RDB-List:
PageName: Page Name indicating where the results will be put
ObjClass: The object Class to List.  When used with RuleObjList parameter, this is the class of the list to use.
Using log-message.
Starts the Application Preflight tool, which reports warning conditions on the rules in your Application RuleSets. These may indicate guardrail compliance issues, potential performance issues, accessibility status, or other notable conditions.
- Application Preflight tool to list each rule in an application that contains a warning message. Warning messages suggest that the rule is at variance with guardrails and other best practices. You can also check for browser compatibility of visual elements.
you can extend the set of warnings with a custom activity named Rule-ZZZZ.CheckForCustomWarnings, where Rule-ZZZZ is a rule type.
Warnings are maintained as instances of the Index-Warning class and saved in the pr_index_warnings database table.
The standard decision tree rule Embed-Warning.pxWarningDetails controls whether warnings of a specific type are reported in the Application Preflight tool. By default, all are reported; you can override this decision tree rule to choose which to omit. This decision tree tests the property pxWarningType, which can have values indicating the source of the warning, such as:
=>    Java — an activity contains a Java step
=>    API 02 — an activity uses the Version 3 PublicAPI
=>    WriteNow — An activity step includes a method with an immediate database write operation rather than a Commit method.
Spin-off shape ( ) onto the flow
When a work object advancing through a flow reaches the Spin-off shape, Process Commander starts execution of a different flow, using the current or a different work object. Processing in the current flow rule continues in parallel, without waiting for the other flow to complete.
the Split/Join shape ( ) onto the flow
Use the Split-Join shape to require that multiple subflows of your flow be completed before the current flow continues execution. This allows subflows to execute asynchronously, in parallel. For an example, see the standard flow Work-.ParallelWork.
Split-ForEach shape ( ) to any locations
The Split-ForEach task provides a form of searching or enumeration over the pages in a property. Use a Split-ForEach shape to iterate over the pages of a Page List or Page Group property. For each page, you can conditionally start a flow execution for the work object.