(join (signup) in bitcoin earn money Without investment)
Operator ID instances are normally stored in the PegaRULES database as rows of
Ans- pr_operators table.
2) Y external authentication checkbox is required in operator ?
Ans- It will be used for provide the access for external users(end users) to accessing the application. For example End-users will not direct accessing to the pega application, Suppose they want to access to the pega application through interfacing with third party tool.
3) How many access groups can be associated to an operator at once ?
Ans- Only one access group at a time , but one operator will have multiple access group in their operator id instance.
4) Can u explain abt ruleset types ?
Ans- We have Different types of rulesets are available in Pega
5) What is a production ruleset ? How will it be helpful ?
Ans- In the production rulesets area we can provide rulesets, rules in this rulesets will be unlocked in production, the end users directly will change these rules as per requirement, this is called rule deligation.
6) What is the default access role used by developers ?
Ans- Pega rules SysAdmin4
InterView Questions On Classes and Mapping In PEGA
1) Different types of classes that PRPC support?
Ans – We have different types of Standard Classes will be avaliable which are,
@baseclass is Ultimate base class, And Its Child Classes are work-, Data-, Rule-, Assign-, History-, etc.
Pega always Support 2 types of classe which are Abstract Classes And Concrete Classes
Abstract Classes are ends with ‘-‘ and abstract Classes cannot create any work object instances
Concrete Classes will Does not ends with -, And Abstract Classes will create Workobject instances
2) Rule Resolution ? Inheritence ?
Ans- 7 steps
Ans- Defer load means, suppose u can use any tabbed Section in that situation u want to load the data on each tab u can write one activity to retrieving data, then large amount of data will be loaded in clipboard, Its an performance hit load the more data in clipboard, So in that situation we can use Defer load option it will prevent performance because while u Check the Defer load option it will ask some activity on each tab Cell properties, so when ever the particular tab is opened then relevant activity only will be fired and load the related data…So it will Avoid the performance
Yes we can load the values in dropdown
2) How many types of portals does PRPC can provide? Where will you specify the portals that u have created?
Ans- Composite portals, Fixed portals, Custom portals, mobile portals
After creating a portal it will specified in the Access group Settings tab, then it will access to the particular user.
3) Different types of harness that u have used ?
Ans- We have number of standard harness will be available in pega, but most commonly used are new, perform, review, conform, Tabbed, perform screen flow, Tree Navigation
4) If I want to restrict a user to perform on a particular flow action, how can I achieve it?
Ans- we can specify the privileges or when conditions in Security tab of the flow action
5) How can u expose a property ? What is a linked property ?
Ans- By using the modified Data base schema or optimise for reporting option
Modifying database Schema-à Select Data baseà Select Table-à View Columnsà Select Columnsà Give Database username& password and the Click Generate
Optimise reporting means right click on the property and select the optimise for reporting
1) Mention about the flow types ?
Ans- Process flows, Screen flows, Subflow’s, Straight through process flows.
2) In my screen flow I have 4 assignments. When I am at 3rd assignment, I want to route it to a different user. How can it be done ?
Ans- No it is not possible to route the assignment in the middle of the screen flow…Suppose if you want to route the entire Screen flow will be route to different user.. u can give the router in Start shape of the screen flow
3) Use of entry checkbox in screen flow ?
Ans- Suppose u can specify the entry point checkbox in the assignment that shape allows as a start point in the flow.. means for which assignment shapes u can check this checkbox that assignments only display in the output, then u can use the breadcrumbs and navigate any screen.
4) Difference b/w Spin off, Split Join and Split for each ?
1) What are all the different types of scope that declare scope provide ?
Ans- Node, Thread, Requestor
2) Advantages and limitations of declare page ?
Ans- The main Advantage of the Declare pages is, It prevents the multiple DB hits , Suppose is there multiple requestors in that node when ever first user login into the application then load activity will be fired and create a declare page and then loaded the data in that page, requestors who can on that node will show this declare page and use the data on that page.
The Disadvantages are its read only to the requestors, and can not add the additional data and cannt delete the specific data.
3) Diff b/w declare page and regular pages ?
Ans- Declare pages are created through declarative rules, Declare_ keyword must be specified while creating a declare page, Declare pages are read-only pages, These pages Cant delete ,update directly.
User pages are created through page new method in an activity, these pages can be updated, deleted directly, these pages automatically deleted once logout from the system.
Declarative Rules:
1) Diff types of declarative rules present?
Ans- Declare Expressions, Declare Constraints, Declare On change, Declare trigger, Declare Index.
2) How do u specify if expression triggers f/w or b/w chaining ?
Ans- In the Chain tracking tab.
3) How b/w chaining process works in Pega ? (Goal Seek)
Ans- It will searches the first on dependency network After checking the dependency the execution Starts from Lower expression to higher expression. In Activity u can use goal-seek-property to find the missing value of the property.
1. What type of Reporting features are provided by Pega?
A. List View and Summary View
2. What is the difference between ListView and SummaryView ?
A summary view rule defines a two-level report display, presenting summary counts, totals or averages to be displayed initially, and allowing users to click a row to drill down to supporting detail for that row.
Summary view rules support interactive charts, trend reports, and the use of AJAX for pop-up Smart Info windows.
A summary view rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-SummaryView rule type. This rule type is part of the Reports category.
A list view rule, an instance of the Rule-Obj-ListView rule type, defines a report. Users can personalize list view reports easily and interact with them.
Use the Report wizard to define list view reports and link them to our portal.
3. How to call a listview from an Activity?
In an activity, the Obj-List-View can execute a list view rule.
4. What is Paging in a listview?
To divide the ListView in to different pages and set the number of records to be displayed in a page.
5. What is exposing a property?
Exposing a property means to make a property as a separate independent column so that it can be used in sql queries and as a criteria in reporting.
Steps are as follows,
6. How to expose a single value property?
Process Commander stores the values of all aggregate properties and some Single Value properties in a BLOB column (the Storage Stream) usually in a compressed form. Such properties cannot support selection in list view and summary view reports, and can slow retrieval and processing in other operations
1. Select Tools > Database > Modify Database Schema.
2. A list of databases identified in Database data instances appears. Select a database and click Next .
3. A list of tables in the selected database appears from Database Table instances. Select a table.
4. Click Explore Columns .
5. The resulting List of Classes window displays the number of rows in the table, the number of columns in the table and a list of the classes assigned to that table. The Properties Set to Be Visible value counts the properties for which the Column Inclusion value is Required or Recommended. This Column Inclusion value is advisory, and does not indicate whether the property is exposed — corresponds to a column. The Count column shows the total count of properties in this class plus those its parent classes.
6. To see the columns currently defined in this table, click the numeric link labeled Number of columns in this table.
7. The List of Database Columns window shows the column name, column data type, and column width in bytes for each column in the table.
7. How to expose aggregate property?
Declare Index rule is a better approach.
1. Create a concrete class derived from the Index- base class.
2. Create Single Value properties in the new class to hold values of the embedded values.
3. Create a Declare Index rule with the appropriate embedded Page Context value that copies the embedded values into a new Index- instance.
4. Save the Declare Index rule. It executes immediately, adding and deleting instances of the new class.
5. Expose database columns corresponding to the Index- class.
6. Reference the Index- properties in the list view rule.
8. Can we refer the property without exposing in Reports?
We can refer the propertys in Display tab without exposing.
But we can’t refer the property without exposing in Critera fields of the Content tab.
9. What is the activity responsible for getting the data in List View?
getContent Activity
10. What the class of getContent Activity?
Embed-ListParams class.
11. Can or have you customize the getContent Activity?
12. How to customize the getContent Activity?
Step1: Create Activity in Our Class and create the New page
Step2: write a query and store in variable.
Step3: call the listview as Call Rule-Obj-ListView
Step4: Write the another activity in Embed-ListParams
Step5: create the parameter. This parameter get the sql query from previous activity
Step6: write Java method The java code in this method is
Get the page from pyContentPage if page already exists. If page is not available it creates the new ContentPage.
In this code get the sql query from the above parameter and pass this query and above created ContentPage as parameters to this tools.getDatabase().executeRDB(query, pagename) method.
13. How do we get the data from the two different tables?
Using Join tab in Reports
14. How do we fetch the data from two different tables with out using two different tables?
Write a database View. In this view logically combine the Two different tables.
Create class for this logically combined Table.
Write the List View. Applies to class is class of the Combined table. So we can refer the properties of both the tables in list view.
15. What is the use of HTML property in ListView?
HTML Property rules appear in list view and summary view rules to define the appearance of values in reports.
16. Consider this scenario: I need to generate a list view report of all the work objects created on a particular date and then I need to include this list view in a section. How this can be done?
Select .pxCreateDateTime ( an exposed property ) under criteria and give the value you are looking for.
To include it in a section, check the embedded check box and customize the HTML of the section. In that we need to access the list view in a JSP tag or In section Property is DisplayAs ListView.
17. What is the difference between List View and Obj-List?
List view is generally used for complex queries where sorting is required and also we can retrieve less information using Paging.
18. Explain in brief the configuration of a list view?
List view (an instance of Rule-Obj-ListView ) is used to define a custom report or personal version of a report.
A list view can be configured as follows:
- Applies to class of list view will be taken as the database table map for the search criteria.
- Display fields tab is used to depict the fields that are displayed along with category and to enable/disable
- Content tab is used to depict the criteria, fields to be retrieved, key of each row (if selected) and Report
source (Page name where the values should be saved and the activity to be called)
- In organize tab we specify to enable/disable paging, page size, mode, alignment etc.
We can also configure additional buttons and their fragments here.
- Format tab is used to depict the formatting of the list (like even/odd coloring) and details on single click etc.
List view can be accessed from an activity or html as follows:
- Call Rule-Obj-ListView.ShowView activity with classname and list view name as parameters
- <pega: ListView name=” {name of list view}” classname= “{Class name of list view}”>
A list view can be used for complex retrievals from database by not specifying the display, format and Organize tabl.
PyAction in that case would perform instead of refresh.
19. Explain in brief about the configuration of a summary view?
Summary views are used to create reports which are grouped by certain criteria and can be later drilled down.
A Summary view can be configured as follows:
- Applies to class of summary view will be taken as the database table map for the search criteria
- Category is used to know under which tab the report should come.
- Criteria is used in the where class (this can be asked to user by enabling prompt user)
- Group by and field functions (like count) are used for initial display. If we have more than one group by
it is Displayed one after another on clicking +
- Drill down fields are used to display the fields when we click on the assignment.
- Format is used to tell how to format the display and charts can also be used.
Summary view can be accessed from an activity or html as follows:
- Call Rule-Obj-ListView.ShowView activity with classname and summary view name as parameters
- <pega: SummaryView name=”{name of summary view}” classname={Class name of summary view}”>
20) Diff b/w list Obj-list-view results and obj-browse ?
Ans- We can retrieve instances from multiple classes by using the obj-list-view, In obj-browse we can retrieve only Single Class Instances.
1) Diff types of log files available in PRPC?
2) Log level settings?
3) How do you track and analyse all your warnings?
Ans- Application Pre-flight tool
1. What is an Agent?
An agent is an internal background process operating on the server that runs activities on a periodic basis.
Agents route work according to the rules in our application.
Agents also perform system tasks such as sending e-mail notifications about assignments and outgoing correspondence, generating updated indexes for the full-text search feature, synchronizing caches across nodes in a multiple node system, and so on.
2. How do we create an Agent?
New à SysAdmin à Agents
Rule Set name is the Agent name
Agent is instance of Rule-Agent-Quiee.
3. Do we need to create Agent Schedule?
No. Agent schedules cannot be created manually.
The Agent Manager on our Process Commander system generate at least one agent schedule instance for each agents rule.
By default, the Agent Manager checks for new or updated agents rule once every ten minutes.
After we create an agents rule, the Agent Manager generates one Agent Schedule instance for each node running on your Process Commander system the next time it checks for new agents rules.
4. Do we need to migrate Agent Schedule to other environment?
5. What are the Agent running time intervals?
Each agent activity runs individually on its own interval schedule, as a separate requestor thread.
Periodic — The agent runs the activity and then "sleeps" for the number of seconds entered in the Interval column.
Recurring — The agent runs the activity based on a specified calendar schedule (for example, every Monday at 5:00 P.M.).
6. What are the Agent Running modes?
Queue mode indicates whether the agent uses the agent queue capability to process items from the agent queue. This feature allows the agent to temporarily skip over items that fail — for example, because a needed resource is locked — and try again later to process the item later.
Standard — Specifies that this agent processes items from an agent queue and that it relies on the system to provide object locking and other transactional support.
Advanced — Specifies that this agent uses custom queuing
Legacy — specifies that this is an agent that was created in a version prior to V5.4 and has not yet been updated. This option is not available for agents created in V5.4 or later.
7. What is the use of referring Access Group in Agents?
Agent activity calls another activity. This called activity may not appear in agent rule set. So setup of the Rule set list and Roles by providing Access group in security Tab.
Select the access group to use for the legacy and advanced agents listed in this rule. This field is ignored for agents with a type of Standard.
8. How do we Troubleshoot or Trace an Agent?
1. < env name="agent/enable" value="true" />
Verify above tag in prconfig file. Value of the above tag is true or false.
2. In Agent Schedule, schedule tab verify the check box Enable this agent is Checked or Not. And also verify the Enabled? Check box is checked or Not.
3. Same thing also check in Agents Rule.
In Tracer we can trace the particular operator or particular Agent.
In prsysmgmt portal, In Agent Management select the particular Agent and Delay the Agent and then run the
We can use the Agent Management link in the System Management Application to monitor and control agent
9. What are the Agents for SLA and Correspondence?
The agents in the Pega-ProCom RuleSet process e-mail, service level rules, and assignments, archive work objects, and so on.
The agents in this rule provide the following types of processing:
Processing service level events and escalation
Applying a flow action to assignments in bulk
Sending out e-mail correspondence
Archiving and purging work objects, attachments, and history
Retrieving PDF files from the PegaDISTRIBUTION Manager
Running tests defined through the optional Automatic Testing facility
Checking incoming e-mail
The activity System-Queue-ServiceLevel.ProcessEvents supports service level processing for both assignments and work objects.
The activity Data-Corr-.Send supports outgoing e-mail if your system contains one or more Email Account data instances with a second key part of Notify.
10. Who will create Data-Agent-Queue?
The Agent Manager is a master agent that gathers and caches the agent configuration information set for our system when Process Commander starts. Then, at a regularly scheduled interval, it determines whether any new agents rules were created during the last period. If there are new agents rules, the Agent Manager adds them to its list of agents and generates agent schedule data instances for them for each node.
11. What are the Standard Agents?
our system includes three standard agents rules. Because these agents rules are in locked RuleSets, we cannot modify them. To change the configuration settings for the agents listed in these rules, update the agent schedules generated from the agents rule.
Five agents in the Pega-IntSvcs RuleSet process queued service and connector requests and perform maintenance for PegaDISTRIBUTION MANAGER (formerly called Correspondence Output Server, or COS).
The agents in the Pega-ProCom RuleSet process e-mail, service level rules, and assignments, archive work objects, and so on. The agents in this rule provide the following types of processing:
Processing service level events and escalation
Applying a flow action to assignments in bulk
Sending out e-mail correspondence
Archiving and purging work objects, attachments, and history
Retrieving PDF files from the PegaDISTRIBUTION Manager
Checking incoming e-mail (deprecated in V5.3)
The agents in the Pega-RULES RuleSet perform general system housecleaning and periodic processing. The agents in this rule provide the following processing:
System Cleaner
System Pulse
Rule Usage Snapshot
Static Content Cleaner
System Work Indexer
12. What is the use of Data-Agent-Queue?
When you need to modify the behavior of an agent listed in an agents rule in a locked RuleSet (any of the standard Process Commander agents rules, for example) you do so by editing one or more of the generated
A service level rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-ServiceLevel type. Each service level rule defines one to three time intervals, known as goals, deadlines, and late intervals, that indicate the expected or targeted turnaround time for the assignment, or time-to-resolve for the work object.
The goal time is the smallest time interval, the deadline time is a longer interval, and the late interval defines post-deadline times. Each time interval is in days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
2. What are the types of SLA? Where they can be defined?
Service level rules can be associated with a work object or an assignment.
For assignments, the service level rule is referenced in the Assignment Properties panel of the assignment task.
For the overall work object, the service level rule is identified in the standard property .pySLAName, typically set up through a model for the class. (The default value is the Default service level.)
3. How do we do Escalation?
Escalation refers to any processing within a Process Commander application that causes high-priority work objects to become visible to users and managers and to be processed sooner rather than later.
The numeric property known as urgency determines the order that assignments for that work object appear on worklists. Escalation recalculates the urgency value to reflect its age, impending due date, or explicit management inputs.
Escalation can occur through a service level rule associated with the flow and through background processing by the Pega-ProCom agent.
4. What are SLA's, how are they different from Agents?
A service level rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-ServiceLevel type. The service
level can define a goal and a deadline times for processing an assignment, and can
execute activities if the goal or the deadline is not met. This assignment-level service
level is distinct from any service level associated with the entire flow.
At runtime, an internal countdown clock (measuring the completion of the assignment
against the goal and deadline times computed from the service level rule) starts when the
assignment task is created.
An agent is a background internal requestor operating on the server. These requestors can
periodically monitor conditions and perform processing as necessary.
Most agents are defined by an Agent Queue rule (Rule-Agent-Queue), which includes a
list of the activities they perform.
5. How to implement SLA's? Is is possible to define a SLA for the entire work object? If yes, how?
SLA’s are always associated with an assignment. Just drag a SLA shape and provide an instance of Rule-Obj-ServiceLevel.
Yes, SLA can be defined for the entire workobject by defining it in the model.
The property for this is pySLAName.
6. How to restrict a flow to particular users?
By using privileges and when conditions under process tab of the flow instance.
1. What are the types of Flow Actions?
A flow action rule controls how users interact with work object forms to complete assignments.
Each flow action is defined by an instance of the Rule-Obj-FlowAction rule type.
Flow actions are of two types:
Connector flow actions appear as lines on Visio presentation in the Diagram tab of a flow rule. A line exits from an assignment shape and ends at the next task in the flow. At runtime, users choose a connector flow action, complete the assignment, and advances the work object along the connector to the next task.
A local flow action, when selected at runtime, causes the assignment to remain open and on the current user's work list. Local flow actions are recorded in the Assignment Properties panel and are not visible on the Visio flow diagram.
A local flow action permits users at runtime to update, but not complete, an assignment. Local flow actions always are optional. Users may perform none, one, or multiple local flow actions, or repeat a local flow action multiple times.
At runtime, users choose a connector flow action, complete the assignment, and advances the work object along the connector to the next task.
3. Explain about Pre Activity?
At runtime, the system runs this activity before it does other processing for this flow action. This activity is not visible on the Visio flow diagram. This activity executes only once, the first time a user selects this flow action for this assignment.
4. Explain about Post Activity?
Activity to run after other successful processing of this flow action.
For screen flow rules By default, when this flow action appears as a step in a screen flow rule, and the user at runtime clicks away to a different step in the screen flow rule, this activity rule does not run. To cause this activity to execute when the user clicks away to a different step, select the Post Action on Click Away? check box on the Assignment shape properties panel.
5. Explain about Local Flow Action?
A local flow action permits users at runtime to update, but not complete, an assignment. Like connector flow actions, local flow actions are referenced inside an assignment task in a flow.
At runtime, users can select local flow actions to update assignment or work object properties, change the assignee, and so on but do not complete the assignment. If a service level rule is associated with the assignment, the service level continues to run.
Local flow actions always are optional. Users may perform none, one, or multiple local flow actions, or repeat a local flow action multiple times.
On the Action tab of the Flow Action form, we can mark a flow action rule as local, or connector, or both.
6. How do we make one Local Action available in all Assignments?
On the Design tab of the Flow form, we can list local flow actions that are to be available at every assignment in the flow.
Ans- pr_operators table.
2) Y external authentication checkbox is required in operator ?
Ans- It will be used for provide the access for external users(end users) to accessing the application. For example End-users will not direct accessing to the pega application, Suppose they want to access to the pega application through interfacing with third party tool.
3) How many access groups can be associated to an operator at once ?
Ans- Only one access group at a time , but one operator will have multiple access group in their operator id instance.
4) Can u explain abt ruleset types ?
Ans- We have Different types of rulesets are available in Pega
5) What is a production ruleset ? How will it be helpful ?
Ans- In the production rulesets area we can provide rulesets, rules in this rulesets will be unlocked in production, the end users directly will change these rules as per requirement, this is called rule deligation.
6) What is the default access role used by developers ?
Ans- Pega rules SysAdmin4
InterView Questions On Classes and Mapping In PEGA
1) Different types of classes that PRPC support?
Ans – We have different types of Standard Classes will be avaliable which are,
@baseclass is Ultimate base class, And Its Child Classes are work-, Data-, Rule-, Assign-, History-, etc.
Pega always Support 2 types of classe which are Abstract Classes And Concrete Classes
Abstract Classes are ends with ‘-‘ and abstract Classes cannot create any work object instances
Concrete Classes will Does not ends with -, And Abstract Classes will create Workobject instances
2) Rule Resolution ? Inheritence ?
Ans- 7 steps
Ans- Defer load means, suppose u can use any tabbed Section in that situation u want to load the data on each tab u can write one activity to retrieving data, then large amount of data will be loaded in clipboard, Its an performance hit load the more data in clipboard, So in that situation we can use Defer load option it will prevent performance because while u Check the Defer load option it will ask some activity on each tab Cell properties, so when ever the particular tab is opened then relevant activity only will be fired and load the related data…So it will Avoid the performance
Yes we can load the values in dropdown
2) How many types of portals does PRPC can provide? Where will you specify the portals that u have created?
Ans- Composite portals, Fixed portals, Custom portals, mobile portals
After creating a portal it will specified in the Access group Settings tab, then it will access to the particular user.
3) Different types of harness that u have used ?
Ans- We have number of standard harness will be available in pega, but most commonly used are new, perform, review, conform, Tabbed, perform screen flow, Tree Navigation
4) If I want to restrict a user to perform on a particular flow action, how can I achieve it?
Ans- we can specify the privileges or when conditions in Security tab of the flow action
5) How can u expose a property ? What is a linked property ?
Ans- By using the modified Data base schema or optimise for reporting option
Modifying database Schema-à Select Data baseà Select Table-à View Columnsà Select Columnsà Give Database username& password and the Click Generate
Optimise reporting means right click on the property and select the optimise for reporting
1) Mention about the flow types ?
Ans- Process flows, Screen flows, Subflow’s, Straight through process flows.
2) In my screen flow I have 4 assignments. When I am at 3rd assignment, I want to route it to a different user. How can it be done ?
Ans- No it is not possible to route the assignment in the middle of the screen flow…Suppose if you want to route the entire Screen flow will be route to different user.. u can give the router in Start shape of the screen flow
3) Use of entry checkbox in screen flow ?
Ans- Suppose u can specify the entry point checkbox in the assignment that shape allows as a start point in the flow.. means for which assignment shapes u can check this checkbox that assignments only display in the output, then u can use the breadcrumbs and navigate any screen.
4) Difference b/w Spin off, Split Join and Split for each ?
1) What are all the different types of scope that declare scope provide ?
Ans- Node, Thread, Requestor
2) Advantages and limitations of declare page ?
Ans- The main Advantage of the Declare pages is, It prevents the multiple DB hits , Suppose is there multiple requestors in that node when ever first user login into the application then load activity will be fired and create a declare page and then loaded the data in that page, requestors who can on that node will show this declare page and use the data on that page.
The Disadvantages are its read only to the requestors, and can not add the additional data and cannt delete the specific data.
3) Diff b/w declare page and regular pages ?
Ans- Declare pages are created through declarative rules, Declare_ keyword must be specified while creating a declare page, Declare pages are read-only pages, These pages Cant delete ,update directly.
User pages are created through page new method in an activity, these pages can be updated, deleted directly, these pages automatically deleted once logout from the system.
Declarative Rules:
1) Diff types of declarative rules present?
Ans- Declare Expressions, Declare Constraints, Declare On change, Declare trigger, Declare Index.
2) How do u specify if expression triggers f/w or b/w chaining ?
Ans- In the Chain tracking tab.
3) How b/w chaining process works in Pega ? (Goal Seek)
Ans- It will searches the first on dependency network After checking the dependency the execution Starts from Lower expression to higher expression. In Activity u can use goal-seek-property to find the missing value of the property.
1. What type of Reporting features are provided by Pega?
A. List View and Summary View
2. What is the difference between ListView and SummaryView ?
A summary view rule defines a two-level report display, presenting summary counts, totals or averages to be displayed initially, and allowing users to click a row to drill down to supporting detail for that row.
Summary view rules support interactive charts, trend reports, and the use of AJAX for pop-up Smart Info windows.
A summary view rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-SummaryView rule type. This rule type is part of the Reports category.
A list view rule, an instance of the Rule-Obj-ListView rule type, defines a report. Users can personalize list view reports easily and interact with them.
Use the Report wizard to define list view reports and link them to our portal.
3. How to call a listview from an Activity?
In an activity, the Obj-List-View can execute a list view rule.
4. What is Paging in a listview?
To divide the ListView in to different pages and set the number of records to be displayed in a page.
5. What is exposing a property?
Exposing a property means to make a property as a separate independent column so that it can be used in sql queries and as a criteria in reporting.
Steps are as follows,
6. How to expose a single value property?
Process Commander stores the values of all aggregate properties and some Single Value properties in a BLOB column (the Storage Stream) usually in a compressed form. Such properties cannot support selection in list view and summary view reports, and can slow retrieval and processing in other operations
1. Select Tools > Database > Modify Database Schema.
2. A list of databases identified in Database data instances appears. Select a database and click Next .
3. A list of tables in the selected database appears from Database Table instances. Select a table.
4. Click Explore Columns .
5. The resulting List of Classes window displays the number of rows in the table, the number of columns in the table and a list of the classes assigned to that table. The Properties Set to Be Visible value counts the properties for which the Column Inclusion value is Required or Recommended. This Column Inclusion value is advisory, and does not indicate whether the property is exposed — corresponds to a column. The Count column shows the total count of properties in this class plus those its parent classes.
6. To see the columns currently defined in this table, click the numeric link labeled Number of columns in this table.
7. The List of Database Columns window shows the column name, column data type, and column width in bytes for each column in the table.
7. How to expose aggregate property?
Declare Index rule is a better approach.
1. Create a concrete class derived from the Index- base class.
2. Create Single Value properties in the new class to hold values of the embedded values.
3. Create a Declare Index rule with the appropriate embedded Page Context value that copies the embedded values into a new Index- instance.
4. Save the Declare Index rule. It executes immediately, adding and deleting instances of the new class.
5. Expose database columns corresponding to the Index- class.
6. Reference the Index- properties in the list view rule.
8. Can we refer the property without exposing in Reports?
We can refer the propertys in Display tab without exposing.
But we can’t refer the property without exposing in Critera fields of the Content tab.
9. What is the activity responsible for getting the data in List View?
getContent Activity
10. What the class of getContent Activity?
Embed-ListParams class.
11. Can or have you customize the getContent Activity?
12. How to customize the getContent Activity?
Step1: Create Activity in Our Class and create the New page
Step2: write a query and store in variable.
Step3: call the listview as Call Rule-Obj-ListView
Step4: Write the another activity in Embed-ListParams
Step5: create the parameter. This parameter get the sql query from previous activity
Step6: write Java method The java code in this method is
Get the page from pyContentPage if page already exists. If page is not available it creates the new ContentPage.
In this code get the sql query from the above parameter and pass this query and above created ContentPage as parameters to this tools.getDatabase().executeRDB(query, pagename) method.
13. How do we get the data from the two different tables?
Using Join tab in Reports
14. How do we fetch the data from two different tables with out using two different tables?
Write a database View. In this view logically combine the Two different tables.
Create class for this logically combined Table.
Write the List View. Applies to class is class of the Combined table. So we can refer the properties of both the tables in list view.
15. What is the use of HTML property in ListView?
HTML Property rules appear in list view and summary view rules to define the appearance of values in reports.
16. Consider this scenario: I need to generate a list view report of all the work objects created on a particular date and then I need to include this list view in a section. How this can be done?
Select .pxCreateDateTime ( an exposed property ) under criteria and give the value you are looking for.
To include it in a section, check the embedded check box and customize the HTML of the section. In that we need to access the list view in a JSP tag or In section Property is DisplayAs ListView.
17. What is the difference between List View and Obj-List?
List view is generally used for complex queries where sorting is required and also we can retrieve less information using Paging.
18. Explain in brief the configuration of a list view?
List view (an instance of Rule-Obj-ListView ) is used to define a custom report or personal version of a report.
A list view can be configured as follows:
- Applies to class of list view will be taken as the database table map for the search criteria.
- Display fields tab is used to depict the fields that are displayed along with category and to enable/disable
- Content tab is used to depict the criteria, fields to be retrieved, key of each row (if selected) and Report
source (Page name where the values should be saved and the activity to be called)
- In organize tab we specify to enable/disable paging, page size, mode, alignment etc.
We can also configure additional buttons and their fragments here.
- Format tab is used to depict the formatting of the list (like even/odd coloring) and details on single click etc.
List view can be accessed from an activity or html as follows:
- Call Rule-Obj-ListView.ShowView activity with classname and list view name as parameters
- <pega: ListView name=” {name of list view}” classname= “{Class name of list view}”>
A list view can be used for complex retrievals from database by not specifying the display, format and Organize tabl.
PyAction in that case would perform instead of refresh.
19. Explain in brief about the configuration of a summary view?
Summary views are used to create reports which are grouped by certain criteria and can be later drilled down.
A Summary view can be configured as follows:
- Applies to class of summary view will be taken as the database table map for the search criteria
- Category is used to know under which tab the report should come.
- Criteria is used in the where class (this can be asked to user by enabling prompt user)
- Group by and field functions (like count) are used for initial display. If we have more than one group by
it is Displayed one after another on clicking +
- Drill down fields are used to display the fields when we click on the assignment.
- Format is used to tell how to format the display and charts can also be used.
Summary view can be accessed from an activity or html as follows:
- Call Rule-Obj-ListView.ShowView activity with classname and summary view name as parameters
- <pega: SummaryView name=”{name of summary view}” classname={Class name of summary view}”>
20) Diff b/w list Obj-list-view results and obj-browse ?
Ans- We can retrieve instances from multiple classes by using the obj-list-view, In obj-browse we can retrieve only Single Class Instances.
1) Diff types of log files available in PRPC?
2) Log level settings?
3) How do you track and analyse all your warnings?
Ans- Application Pre-flight tool
1. What is an Agent?
An agent is an internal background process operating on the server that runs activities on a periodic basis.
Agents route work according to the rules in our application.
Agents also perform system tasks such as sending e-mail notifications about assignments and outgoing correspondence, generating updated indexes for the full-text search feature, synchronizing caches across nodes in a multiple node system, and so on.
2. How do we create an Agent?
New à SysAdmin à Agents
Rule Set name is the Agent name
Agent is instance of Rule-Agent-Quiee.
3. Do we need to create Agent Schedule?
No. Agent schedules cannot be created manually.
The Agent Manager on our Process Commander system generate at least one agent schedule instance for each agents rule.
By default, the Agent Manager checks for new or updated agents rule once every ten minutes.
After we create an agents rule, the Agent Manager generates one Agent Schedule instance for each node running on your Process Commander system the next time it checks for new agents rules.
4. Do we need to migrate Agent Schedule to other environment?
5. What are the Agent running time intervals?
Each agent activity runs individually on its own interval schedule, as a separate requestor thread.
Periodic — The agent runs the activity and then "sleeps" for the number of seconds entered in the Interval column.
Recurring — The agent runs the activity based on a specified calendar schedule (for example, every Monday at 5:00 P.M.).
6. What are the Agent Running modes?
Queue mode indicates whether the agent uses the agent queue capability to process items from the agent queue. This feature allows the agent to temporarily skip over items that fail — for example, because a needed resource is locked — and try again later to process the item later.
Standard — Specifies that this agent processes items from an agent queue and that it relies on the system to provide object locking and other transactional support.
Advanced — Specifies that this agent uses custom queuing
Legacy — specifies that this is an agent that was created in a version prior to V5.4 and has not yet been updated. This option is not available for agents created in V5.4 or later.
7. What is the use of referring Access Group in Agents?
Agent activity calls another activity. This called activity may not appear in agent rule set. So setup of the Rule set list and Roles by providing Access group in security Tab.
Select the access group to use for the legacy and advanced agents listed in this rule. This field is ignored for agents with a type of Standard.
8. How do we Troubleshoot or Trace an Agent?
1. < env name="agent/enable" value="true" />
Verify above tag in prconfig file. Value of the above tag is true or false.
2. In Agent Schedule, schedule tab verify the check box Enable this agent is Checked or Not. And also verify the Enabled? Check box is checked or Not.
3. Same thing also check in Agents Rule.
In Tracer we can trace the particular operator or particular Agent.
In prsysmgmt portal, In Agent Management select the particular Agent and Delay the Agent and then run the
We can use the Agent Management link in the System Management Application to monitor and control agent
Agent runs on different nodes, select the particular node and run the Tracer.9. What are the Agents for SLA and Correspondence?
The agents in the Pega-ProCom RuleSet process e-mail, service level rules, and assignments, archive work objects, and so on.
The agents in this rule provide the following types of processing:
Processing service level events and escalation
Applying a flow action to assignments in bulk
Sending out e-mail correspondence
Archiving and purging work objects, attachments, and history
Retrieving PDF files from the PegaDISTRIBUTION Manager
Running tests defined through the optional Automatic Testing facility
Checking incoming e-mail
The activity System-Queue-ServiceLevel.ProcessEvents supports service level processing for both assignments and work objects.
The activity Data-Corr-.Send supports outgoing e-mail if your system contains one or more Email Account data instances with a second key part of Notify.
10. Who will create Data-Agent-Queue?
The Agent Manager is a master agent that gathers and caches the agent configuration information set for our system when Process Commander starts. Then, at a regularly scheduled interval, it determines whether any new agents rules were created during the last period. If there are new agents rules, the Agent Manager adds them to its list of agents and generates agent schedule data instances for them for each node.
11. What are the Standard Agents?
our system includes three standard agents rules. Because these agents rules are in locked RuleSets, we cannot modify them. To change the configuration settings for the agents listed in these rules, update the agent schedules generated from the agents rule.
Five agents in the Pega-IntSvcs RuleSet process queued service and connector requests and perform maintenance for PegaDISTRIBUTION MANAGER (formerly called Correspondence Output Server, or COS).
The agents in the Pega-ProCom RuleSet process e-mail, service level rules, and assignments, archive work objects, and so on. The agents in this rule provide the following types of processing:
Processing service level events and escalation
Applying a flow action to assignments in bulk
Sending out e-mail correspondence
Archiving and purging work objects, attachments, and history
Retrieving PDF files from the PegaDISTRIBUTION Manager
Checking incoming e-mail (deprecated in V5.3)
The agents in the Pega-RULES RuleSet perform general system housecleaning and periodic processing. The agents in this rule provide the following processing:
System Cleaner
System Pulse
Rule Usage Snapshot
Static Content Cleaner
System Work Indexer
12. What is the use of Data-Agent-Queue?
When you need to modify the behavior of an agent listed in an agents rule in a locked RuleSet (any of the standard Process Commander agents rules, for example) you do so by editing one or more of the generated
A service level rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-ServiceLevel type. Each service level rule defines one to three time intervals, known as goals, deadlines, and late intervals, that indicate the expected or targeted turnaround time for the assignment, or time-to-resolve for the work object.
The goal time is the smallest time interval, the deadline time is a longer interval, and the late interval defines post-deadline times. Each time interval is in days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
2. What are the types of SLA? Where they can be defined?
Service level rules can be associated with a work object or an assignment.
For assignments, the service level rule is referenced in the Assignment Properties panel of the assignment task.
For the overall work object, the service level rule is identified in the standard property .pySLAName, typically set up through a model for the class. (The default value is the Default service level.)
3. How do we do Escalation?
Escalation refers to any processing within a Process Commander application that causes high-priority work objects to become visible to users and managers and to be processed sooner rather than later.
The numeric property known as urgency determines the order that assignments for that work object appear on worklists. Escalation recalculates the urgency value to reflect its age, impending due date, or explicit management inputs.
Escalation can occur through a service level rule associated with the flow and through background processing by the Pega-ProCom agent.
4. What are SLA's, how are they different from Agents?
A service level rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-ServiceLevel type. The service
level can define a goal and a deadline times for processing an assignment, and can
execute activities if the goal or the deadline is not met. This assignment-level service
level is distinct from any service level associated with the entire flow.
At runtime, an internal countdown clock (measuring the completion of the assignment
against the goal and deadline times computed from the service level rule) starts when the
assignment task is created.
An agent is a background internal requestor operating on the server. These requestors can
periodically monitor conditions and perform processing as necessary.
Most agents are defined by an Agent Queue rule (Rule-Agent-Queue), which includes a
list of the activities they perform.
5. How to implement SLA's? Is is possible to define a SLA for the entire work object? If yes, how?
SLA’s are always associated with an assignment. Just drag a SLA shape and provide an instance of Rule-Obj-ServiceLevel.
Yes, SLA can be defined for the entire workobject by defining it in the model.
The property for this is pySLAName.
6. How to restrict a flow to particular users?
By using privileges and when conditions under process tab of the flow instance.
1. What are the types of Flow Actions?
A flow action rule controls how users interact with work object forms to complete assignments.
Each flow action is defined by an instance of the Rule-Obj-FlowAction rule type.
Flow actions are of two types:
Connector flow actions appear as lines on Visio presentation in the Diagram tab of a flow rule. A line exits from an assignment shape and ends at the next task in the flow. At runtime, users choose a connector flow action, complete the assignment, and advances the work object along the connector to the next task.
A local flow action, when selected at runtime, causes the assignment to remain open and on the current user's work list. Local flow actions are recorded in the Assignment Properties panel and are not visible on the Visio flow diagram.
A local flow action permits users at runtime to update, but not complete, an assignment. Local flow actions always are optional. Users may perform none, one, or multiple local flow actions, or repeat a local flow action multiple times.
At runtime, users choose a connector flow action, complete the assignment, and advances the work object along the connector to the next task.
3. Explain about Pre Activity?
At runtime, the system runs this activity before it does other processing for this flow action. This activity is not visible on the Visio flow diagram. This activity executes only once, the first time a user selects this flow action for this assignment.
4. Explain about Post Activity?
Activity to run after other successful processing of this flow action.
For screen flow rules By default, when this flow action appears as a step in a screen flow rule, and the user at runtime clicks away to a different step in the screen flow rule, this activity rule does not run. To cause this activity to execute when the user clicks away to a different step, select the Post Action on Click Away? check box on the Assignment shape properties panel.
5. Explain about Local Flow Action?
A local flow action permits users at runtime to update, but not complete, an assignment. Like connector flow actions, local flow actions are referenced inside an assignment task in a flow.
At runtime, users can select local flow actions to update assignment or work object properties, change the assignee, and so on but do not complete the assignment. If a service level rule is associated with the assignment, the service level continues to run.
Local flow actions always are optional. Users may perform none, one, or multiple local flow actions, or repeat a local flow action multiple times.
On the Action tab of the Flow Action form, we can mark a flow action rule as local, or connector, or both.
6. How do we make one Local Action available in all Assignments?
On the Design tab of the Flow form, we can list local flow actions that are to be available at every assignment in the flow.
Array or
Value modes
Page modes
Page Group
Java Object mode
Java Object List
Java Object
Java Property modes
Java Property
set types Are, Shared rulesets, Component Rulesets, Override rulesets, Standard
Questions On UI and Property In PEGA